The Beginner's Guide to Throwing Shapes

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The Beginner's Guide to Throwing Shapes
Album van Saga
Uitgebracht 1989, 2003
Opgenomen 1989
Genre progressieve rock
Duur 44:34
Label(s) SPV, Steamhammer
Wildest Dreams
  1989, 2003
The Beginner's Guide to Throwing Shapes
The Security of Illusion

(en) MusicBrainz-pagina
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The Beginner's Guide to Throwing Shapes is het achtste studioalbum van de Canadese band Saga.

Musici[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Composities[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

  1. "Starting All Over" – 4:01
  2. "Shape" – 5:10
  3. "Odd Man Out" – 4:54
  4. "The Nineties" – 4:16
  5. "Scarecrow" – 4:20
  6. "As I Am" – 5:15
  7. "Waiting in the Wings" – 4:55
  8. "Giant" – 7:10


  1. "Framed (live)" – 5:46