Gebruiker:Elkan/Chinese Poker

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Chinese poker, Ook bekend als Pusoy (maar niet Pusoy Dos of Russian Poker), is een kaartspel dat origineel uit Azië stamt, maar de laatste jaren erg populair wordt onder gokkers wereldwijd.

  • De regels zijn erg simpel, een basiskenning van de verschillende pokerhanden is voldoende om te kunnen beginnen spelen.
  • Er is een erg belangrijke geluksfactor in betrokken. Daardoor kunnen beginnende spelers ook een goede kans hebben een ronde makkelijk te winnen, zelfs tegen ervaren spelers en zijn verliezen sneller te wijten aan geluk in plaats van slechte tactische beslissingen.
  • Gevorderde spelers kunnen door tactische beslissingen echter nog steeds een voordeel creëren op lange termijn.
  • Het spel resulteert vaak in onverwachte winsten en erg sterke handen (full house of hoger).
  • Het spel kan met een beperkt aantal spelers gespeeld worden (vaak zelfs beperkt tot 2).

Speelwijze[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Chinese poker wordt gespeeld met 2 tot 4 spelers beperkt tot 1 deck kaarten.

Een hand spelen[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Chinese Poker.

In Chinese Poker krijgt elke speler 13 kaarten uit een standaard kaartspel van 52 kaarten. Elke speler moet die dan verdelen in 3 handen, 2 van elk 5 kaarten (de back en de middle) en 1 van 3 kaarten (de front). Hierbij moet rekening gehouden worden dat de handwaarde van de back hoger moet zijn dan die van de middle en de middle dan weer hoger moet zijn dan de front. Bij die laatste wordt er geen rekening gehouden met straight of flush Het back hand is placed face down on the table in front of the player, then the middle hand is placed face down in front of the back hand, and the front hand is placed face down in front of the middle hand. After all the players have set their hands, each player will announce in turn (clockwise, starting from the left of the dealer) whether or not he is playing his hand. All players then announce their royalties, before revealing their hands.

If any player who make all three hands flush or all three hands straight is automatic win that hands. Like the picture shown the second roll who have make all three hands flush is a automatic winner, no matter what other player gets from their cards.

Scoring[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

The stakes played for in Chinese poker are known as units: an amount of money agreed on before the game starts. Basic scoring rules dictate that a player collects one unit from each opponent whose front, middle or back hand is beaten by his own corresponding hand. Thus, unlike most poker games, being second-best at the table is good enough to win money. In some variants players are also paid an additional unit if they win in two or three of the hands. In other variants players only get an additional unit if they win all three hands (known as a scoop). Also, due to the head-to-head nature of the comparisons, it is possible for different players to play for different stakes. For example, A and B could play for $10/unit, while all other pairs play for $1/unit. Many variations of scoring are in common use; refer to the external links for more information.

The two most common scoring systems used in Casinos today are the 2-4 scoring method, and the 1-6 scoring method.

In the 2-4 method you receive 1 unit for each of the three hands you win, and 1 unit called the overall unit is awarded to the player who wins two out of the three hands, or all of the three hands. In the event of a tie in one of the hands, then no money is exchanged for this particular hand and one player either wins both of the other hands, and collects 3 units (1 for each hand, and 1 overall), or they each win one hand and no units are exchanged (each win 1 unit, and there is no overall).

In the 1-6 method you receive 1 unit for each of the three hands you win, and 3 bonus units (on top of the three for the hands) if you win all three hands.

Example[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Ivey Gus Winner
Front 6♠ 6♣ 4♥ A♥ K♦ Q♦ Ivey
Middle 10♦ 10♠ 9♣ Q♠ 8♣ 9♥ 9♦ 5♥ 5♦ 4♣ Gus
Back 3♥ 3♦ 3♠ 2♥ 2♦ K♠ J♠ 9♠ 8♠ 7♠ Ivey

In the 2-4 method, Gus would pay Ivey two points. In the 1-6 method, Gus would pay Ivey one point.

Royalties[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Royalties, or bonuses as they are sometimes called, are extra units that may be awarded to players with particularly strong hands. In some variants all royalties are worth the same amount (e.g. 1 unit per royalty). In other variants each royalty is given a different payout (e.g. 1 unit for a four of a kind in the back, and 2 units for a straight flush in the back). Sometimes only the winner may be awarded a royalty (e.g. four sevens in the back beats four sixes in the back, therefore only the player with sevens is awarded a royalty). In some games players are allowed to break up straight flushes or four of a kinds and still receive royalties (e.g. a player is dealt four sevens; he may use three of them for a three of a kind in the front, and one as part of a straight in the middle). Some rules say that players are only allowed to claim one royalty per hand.

Royalties must be declared prior to the revealing of the hands.

Some hands and combinations of hands that are commonly awarded royalties are listed:

Naturals are special types of royalties where if dealt to a player, the player is rewarded immediately (prior to anyone surrendering), and the player does not set their hand.

  • Three straights
  • Three flushes
  • Six pairs (counting all three hands)
  • 13 unique cards (i.e. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, A)
  • No face cards or called "No People"

Surrendering[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

If a player chooses to surrender his hand, he will pay an amount greater than the amount paid when losing 2 out of 3 hands, but less than the amount paid when getting scooped (losing all three hands). When surrendered, a player is not required to pay any royalties to his opponents. In some variations surrendering is not an option.

Mis-set Hand[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

If a player mis-sets his hand (e.g. he puts three of a kind in the front, but only two pair in the middle) then he must pay each of his opponents still in the hand (players who have not surrendered) an amount equal to being scooped. In some variations players are still required to play their hands.

Where played[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Chinese Poker was played at the 1995 World Series of Poker and the 1996 World Series of Poker. In 1995, the $1500 event was won by John Tsagaris, and the $5000 event by Steve Zolotow. In 1996 the $1500 event was won by Gregory Grivas, and the $5000 event by Jim Feldhouse. There have been no Chinese Poker events at the World Series of Poker since 1996.

Chinese Poker is often played as a side game in large poker tournaments. Typical stakes are $25, $50 and $100 per unit. Some high stakes poker players are known to play as high as $500 or $1000 per unit. Some even go as high as $15,000.

The Venetian, Bellagio and Wynn casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada have been known to spread a Chinese poker game.

Variations[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

  • Low in the middle — In this variation the middle hand is played as a Deuce-to-seven low hand.
  • Criss Cross — This variation is played heads up: each player is dealt two 13 card hands and plays each of their hands against each of their opponents' hands. Players' hands are to be treated as two independent hands, they cannot exchange cards between the two hands.
  • In this variation The Wheel (A, 2, 3, 4, 5) is the second highest straight. Therefore it is ranked above a 9, 10, J, Q, K straight, but below a 10, J, Q, K, A straight.

External links[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

[[Category:Poker variants]] [[Category:Chinese card games]] [[de:Chinese Poker]] [[fr:Poker chinois]] [[simple:Chinese poker]] [[zh:十三張]]