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Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie
Sub ReplaceFlagicon()
' ReplaceFlagicon Macro
' Macro initially recorded woensdag 5 december 2012 by Pommée
' Version: 2020-05-17 23:35
    Dim saveAF As Boolean
    Dim countryNameOrCode As String
    Dim yearNumber As String

    saveAF = Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceQuotes
    Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceQuotes = False

    ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add Name:="Origin"

    With Selection.Find
        .Text = ""
        .Replacement.Text = ""
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindStop
        .Format = False
        .MatchCase = False
        .MatchWholeWord = False
        .MatchWildcards = False
        .MatchSoundsLike = False
        .MatchAllWordForms = False
    End With

    With Selection.Find
        .Text = "{{bandiera|"
        .Replacement.Text = "{{flagicon|"
        .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll

        .Text = "|size=22px}}"
        .Replacement.Text = "}}"
        .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll

        .Text = "}}''' [["
        .Replacement.Text = "}} '''[["
        .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll

        .Text = "{{flagicon|}}"
        .Replacement.Text = ""
        .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
    End With

    Selection.Find.Text = "{{flagicon|"
    If not Selection.Find.Execute Then GoTo EndFlags:
    MarkingStart = Selection.Range.Start
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
    Do While Selection.Characters.Item(Selection.Characters.Count) <> "|" And _
        Selection.Characters.Item(Selection.Characters.Count) <> "}"
        Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
    Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend ' | cq } weer eraf
    countryNameOrCode = Selection.Text
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
    If Selection.Characters.Item(1) = "}" Then
        yearNumber = " "
    ElseIf Selection.Characters.Item(1) = "|" Then
        Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
        If Selection.Characters.Item(1) = "|" Or Selection.Characters.Item(1) = "}" Then
            yearNumber = " "
            Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
            Do While Selection.Characters.Item(Selection.Characters.Count) <> "|" And _
                Selection.Characters.Item(Selection.Characters.Count) <> "}"
                Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
            Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend ' | cq } weer eraf
            yearNumber = Selection.Text
            Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
        End If
        Do While Selection.Characters.Item(1) <> "}"
            Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
        GoTo FailExit:
    End If

' Get rid of exceptions:
    If countryNameOrCode = "BLR" And yearNumber = "1995" Then yearNumber = " "
    If countryNameOrCode = "ESP" And yearNumber = "1945" Then yearNumber = "1939"
    If countryNameOrCode = "FRG" And yearNumber = " " Then yearNumber = "1949"
    If countryNameOrCode = "GER" And yearNumber = "Weimar" Then yearNumber = "1919"
    If countryNameOrCode = "JPN" And yearNumber = "1870" Then yearNumber = " "
    If countryNameOrCode = "JPN" And yearNumber = "1947" Then yearNumber = " "
    If countryNameOrCode = "Kingdom of Yugoslavia" And yearNumber = " " Then yearNumber = "1918"
    If countryNameOrCode = "RHO" And yearNumber = " " Then yearNumber = "1968"
    If countryNameOrCode = "Union of South Africa" And yearNumber = " " Then yearNumber = "1928"
    If countryNameOrCode = "RSA" And yearNumber = "1912" Then yearNumber = "1910"
    If countryNameOrCode = "SFR Yugoslavia" And yearNumber = " " Then yearNumber = "1943"
    If countryNameOrCode = "VEN 1930-2006" And yearNumber = " " Then yearNumber = "1930"
    If countryNameOrCode = "West Germany" And yearNumber = " " Then yearNumber = "1949"
    If countryNameOrCode = "ZAF 1928-1994" And yearNumber = " " Then yearNumber = "1928"

    Select Case countryNameOrCode
      Case "ALG"
        countryNameOrCode = "DZ"
      Case "AND"
        countryNameOrCode = "AD"
      Case "Argentina"
        countryNameOrCode = "AR"
      Case "ARG"
        countryNameOrCode = "AR"
      Case "ARM"
        countryNameOrCode = "AM"
      Case "Australia"
        countryNameOrCode = "AU"
      Case "AUS"
        countryNameOrCode = "AU"
      Case "Austria"
        countryNameOrCode = "AT"
      Case "AUT"
        countryNameOrCode = "AT"
      Case "AZE"
        countryNameOrCode = "AZ"
      Case "Bahamas"
        countryNameOrCode = "BS"
      Case "BAH"
        countryNameOrCode = "BS"
      Case "BDI"
        countryNameOrCode = "BI"
      Case "Belgium"
        countryNameOrCode = "BE"
      Case "BEL"
        countryNameOrCode = "BE"
      Case "BEN"
        countryNameOrCode = "BJ"
      Case "BGR"
        countryNameOrCode = "BG"
      Case "BIH"
        countryNameOrCode = "BA"
      Case "BHS"
        countryNameOrCode = "BS"
      Case "BLR"
        countryNameOrCode = "BY"
      Case "Belarus"
        countryNameOrCode = "BY"
      Case "BOL"
        countryNameOrCode = "BO"
      Case "Brazil"
        countryNameOrCode = "BR"
      Case "BRA"
        countryNameOrCode = "BR"
      Case "Bulgaria"
        countryNameOrCode = "BG"
      Case "BUL"
        countryNameOrCode = "BG"
      Case "CAM"
        countryNameOrCode = "KH"
      Case "Canada"
        countryNameOrCode = "CA"
      Case "CAN"
        countryNameOrCode = "CA"
      Case "CHE"
        countryNameOrCode = "CH"
      Case "Chile"
        countryNameOrCode = "CL"
      Case "CHI"
        countryNameOrCode = "CL"
      Case "CHL"
        countryNameOrCode = "CL"
      Case "China"
        countryNameOrCode = "CN"
      Case "CHN"
        countryNameOrCode = "CN"
      Case "CIS"
        countryNameOrCode = "GOS"
      Case "CIV"
        countryNameOrCode = "CI"
      Case "Colombia"
        countryNameOrCode = "CO"
      Case "COL"
        countryNameOrCode = "CO"
      Case "CRC"
        countryNameOrCode = "CR"
      Case "Czechoslovakia"
        countryNameOrCode = "CSHH"
      Case "CSK"
        countryNameOrCode = "CSHH"
      Case "Croatia"
        countryNameOrCode = "HR"
      Case "CRO"
        countryNameOrCode = "HR"
      Case "CYP"
        countryNameOrCode = "CY"
      Case "Czech Republic"
        countryNameOrCode = "CZ"
      Case "CZE"
        countryNameOrCode = "CZ"
      Case "Denmark"
        countryNameOrCode = "DK"
      Case "DEN"
        countryNameOrCode = "DK"
      Case "DNK"
        countryNameOrCode = "DK"
      Case "DEU"
        countryNameOrCode = "DE"
      Case "DOM"
        countryNameOrCode = "DO"
      Case "DZA"
        countryNameOrCode = "DZ"
      Case "ECU"
        countryNameOrCode = "EC"
      Case "EGY"
        countryNameOrCode = "EG"
      Case "ESA"
        countryNameOrCode = "SV"
      Case "Spain"
        countryNameOrCode = "ES"
      Case "ESP"
        countryNameOrCode = "ES"
      Case "Estonia"
        countryNameOrCode = "EE"
      Case "EST"
        countryNameOrCode = "EE"
      Case "EUN"
        countryNameOrCode = "SUHH-UT"
      Case "Finland"
        countryNameOrCode = "FI"
      Case "FIN"
        countryNameOrCode = "FI"
      Case "FR Yugoslavia"
        countryNameOrCode = "YUCS"
      Case "France"
        countryNameOrCode = "FR"
      Case "FRA"
        countryNameOrCode = "FR"
      Case "FRG"
        countryNameOrCode = "DE"
      Case "FRY"
        countryNameOrCode = "YUCS"
      Case "Great Britain"
        countryNameOrCode = "UK"
      Case "GBR"
        countryNameOrCode = "UK"
      Case "GRB"
        countryNameOrCode = "UK"
      Case "Georgia (country)"
        countryNameOrCode = "GE"
      Case "GEO"
        countryNameOrCode = "GE"
      Case "Germany"
        countryNameOrCode = "DE"
      Case "GER"
        countryNameOrCode = "DE"
      Case "GRC"
        countryNameOrCode = "GR"
      Case "GRE"
        countryNameOrCode = "GR"
      Case "GUA"
        countryNameOrCode = "GT"
      Case "HAI"
        countryNameOrCode = "HT"
      Case "HKG"
        countryNameOrCode = "HK"
      Case "HRV"
        countryNameOrCode = "HR"
      Case "Hungary"
        countryNameOrCode = "HU"
      Case "HUN"
        countryNameOrCode = "HU"
      Case "IDN"
        countryNameOrCode = "ID"
      Case "INA"
        countryNameOrCode = "ID"
      Case "India"
        countryNameOrCode = "IN"
      Case "IND"
        countryNameOrCode = "IN"
      Case "IOP"
        countryNameOrCode = "IOP"
      Case "IRE"
        countryNameOrCode = "IE"
      Case "IRI"
        countryNameOrCode = "IR"
      Case "IRL"
        countryNameOrCode = "IE"
      Case "IRN"
        countryNameOrCode = "IR"
      Case "Israel"
        countryNameOrCode = "IL"
      Case "ISR"
        countryNameOrCode = "IL"
      Case "Italy"
        countryNameOrCode = "IT"
      Case "ITA"
        countryNameOrCode = "IT"
      Case "JAM"
        countryNameOrCode = "JM"
      Case "Japan"
        countryNameOrCode = "JP"
      Case "JPN"
        countryNameOrCode = "JP"
      Case "KAZ"
        countryNameOrCode = "KZ"
      Case "KGZ"
        countryNameOrCode = "KG"
      Case "Kingdom of Yugoslavia"
        countryNameOrCode = "YUCS"
      Case "KOR"
        countryNameOrCode = "KR"
      Case "LAT"
        countryNameOrCode = "LV"
      Case "Latvia"
        countryNameOrCode = "LV"
      Case "LIE"
        countryNameOrCode = "LI"
      Case "LTU"
        countryNameOrCode = "LT"
      Case "LUX"
        countryNameOrCode = "LU"
      Case "LVA"
        countryNameOrCode = "LV"
      Case "MAD"
        countryNameOrCode = "MG"
      Case "MAR"
        countryNameOrCode = "MA"
      Case "MAS"
        countryNameOrCode = "MY"
      Case "MYS"
        countryNameOrCode = "MY"
      Case "MDA"
        countryNameOrCode = "MD"
      Case "MDG"
        countryNameOrCode = "MG"
      Case "MEX"
        countryNameOrCode = "MX"
      Case "Mexico"
        countryNameOrCode = "MX"
      Case "MKD"
        countryNameOrCode = "MK"
      Case "MNE"
        countryNameOrCode = "ME"
      Case "MON"
        countryNameOrCode = "MC"
      Case "NAM"
        countryNameOrCode = "NA"
      Case "Netherlands"
        countryNameOrCode = "NL"
      Case "NED"
        countryNameOrCode = "NL"
      Case "NLD"
        countryNameOrCode = "NL"
      Case "NGR"
        countryNameOrCode = "NG"
      Case "NOR"
        countryNameOrCode = "NO"
      Case "New Zealand"
        countryNameOrCode = "NZ"
      Case "NZL"
        countryNameOrCode = "NZ"
      Case "OMA"
        countryNameOrCode = "OM"
      Case "PAK"
        countryNameOrCode = "PK"
      Case "Paraguay"
        countryNameOrCode = "PY"
      Case "PAR"
        countryNameOrCode = "PY"
      Case "People's Republic of China"
        countryNameOrCode = "CN"
      Case "PRC"
        countryNameOrCode = "CN"
      Case "PER"
        countryNameOrCode = "PE"
      Case "PHI"
        countryNameOrCode = "PH"
      Case "PHL"
        countryNameOrCode = "PH"
      Case "PNG"
        countryNameOrCode = "PG"
      Case "Poland"
        countryNameOrCode = "PL"
      Case "POL"
        countryNameOrCode = "PL"
      Case "POR"
        countryNameOrCode = "PT"
      Case "PRI"
        countryNameOrCode = "PR"
      Case "PRT"
        countryNameOrCode = "PT"
      Case "PRY"
        countryNameOrCode = "PY"
      Case "Puerto Rico"
        countryNameOrCode = "PR"
      Case "PUR"
        countryNameOrCode = "PR"
      Case "Qatar"
        countryNameOrCode = "QA"
      Case "QAT"
        countryNameOrCode = "QA"
      Case "Rhodesia"
        countryNameOrCode = "RHZW"
      Case "RHO"
        countryNameOrCode = "RHZW"
      Case "Romania"
        countryNameOrCode = "RO"
      Case "ROM"
        countryNameOrCode = "RO"
      Case "ROU"
        countryNameOrCode = "RO"
      Case "South Africa"
        countryNameOrCode = "ZA"
      Case "Union of South Africa"
        countryNameOrCode = "ZA"
      Case "RSA"
        countryNameOrCode = "ZA"
      Case "Russian Federation"
        countryNameOrCode = "RU"
      Case "Russia"
        countryNameOrCode = "RU"
      Case "RUS"
        countryNameOrCode = "RU"
      Case "RUS|1991"
        countryNameOrCode = "RU"
      Case "SCG"
        countryNameOrCode = "CSXX"
      Case "Serbia"
        countryNameOrCode = "RS"
      Case "SER"
        countryNameOrCode = "RS"
      Case "SFR Yugoslavia"
        countryNameOrCode = "YUCS"
      Case "SGP"
        countryNameOrCode = "SG"
      Case "SIN"
        countryNameOrCode = "SG"
      Case "Slovenia"
        countryNameOrCode = "SI"
      Case "SLO"
        countryNameOrCode = "SI"
      Case "SLV"
        countryNameOrCode = "SV"
      Case "Soviet Union"
        countryNameOrCode = "SUHH"
      Case "SRB"
        countryNameOrCode = "RS"
      Case "SVK"
        countryNameOrCode = "SK"
      Case "Slovakia"
        countryNameOrCode = "SK"
      Case "SVN"
        countryNameOrCode = "SI"
      Case "SWE"
        countryNameOrCode = "SE"
      Case "Switzerland"
        countryNameOrCode = "CH"
      Case "SUI"
        countryNameOrCode = "CH"
      Case "SWI"
        countryNameOrCode = "CH"
      Case "TCH"
        countryNameOrCode = "CSHH"
      Case "THA"
        countryNameOrCode = "TH"
      Case "TPE"
        countryNameOrCode = "XT"
      Case "TAI"
        countryNameOrCode = "XT"
      Case "TUN"
        countryNameOrCode = "TN"
      Case "Turkey"
        countryNameOrCode = "TR"
      Case "TUR"
        countryNameOrCode = "TR"
      Case "TWN"
        countryNameOrCode = "TW"
      Case "UK"
        countryNameOrCode = "UK"
      Case "Ukraine"
        countryNameOrCode = "UA"
      Case "UKR"
        countryNameOrCode = "UA"
      Case "United Kingdom"
        countryNameOrCode = "UK"
      Case "URS"
        countryNameOrCode = "SUHH"
      Case "USSR"
        countryNameOrCode = "SUHH"
      Case "Uruguay"
        countryNameOrCode = "UY"
      Case "URU"
        countryNameOrCode = "UY"
      Case "URY"
        countryNameOrCode = "UY"
      Case "United States of America"
        countryNameOrCode = "US"
      Case "United States"
        countryNameOrCode = "US"
      Case "USA"
        countryNameOrCode = "US"
      Case "Uzbekistan"
        countryNameOrCode = "UZ"
      Case "UZB"
        countryNameOrCode = "UZ"
      Case "VEN"
        countryNameOrCode = "VE"
      Case "VEN 1930-2006"
        countryNameOrCode = "VE"
      Case "West Germany"
        countryNameOrCode = "DE"
      Case "YUG"
        countryNameOrCode = "YUCS"
      Case "ZAF"
        countryNameOrCode = "ZA"
      Case "ZAF 1928-1994"
        countryNameOrCode = "ZA"
      Case "ZIM"
        countryNameOrCode = "ZW"
      Case "Zimbabwe"
        countryNameOrCode = "ZW"
      Case "ZWE"
        countryNameOrCode = "ZW"
      Case Else
        countryNameOrCode = countryNameOrCode & "??"
    End Select

    If countryNameOrCode = "RHZW" And yearNumber = " " Then yearNumber = "1968"

    Selection.MoveStart Unit:=wdCharacter, _
        Count:=MarkingStart - Selection.Range.Start
    Selection.TypeText ("{{" & countryNameOrCode)
    If yearNumber <> " " Then Selection.TypeText ("-" & yearNumber)
    Selection.TypeText ("-VLAG")

    GoTo NextFlag:


    Selection.Find.Text = "??-VLAG"
    If Selection.Find.Execute Then
        MsgBox ("Some flags were not translated.")
    End If

    Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceQuotes = saveAF


End Sub