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{{outstanding Article}} [ [ Imagen:Cone de Lumière.PNG|thumb|right|Dimensiones space and temporary of an event, from the point of view of the light ] ] ' ' ' travels through tiempó is a concept of displacement forwards or back in different points from [ [ time ] ], as well as we do in [ [ space ] ]. Additionally, some interpretations of trip in the time suggest the possibility of trips between parallel realities or universes. Is theoretically possible the trip through the time? And if outside thus, we could generate [ [ paradoja]]s during a trip in the time (for example to avoid the birth of our own ancestors)? In fact, it is considered that the humans we are constantly traveling through the time, only that of a linear way, of the present to the immediate future, inexorably, until the death. == the trips through the time in the physics == === Movements in the time and the space === Some theories suggest the fact that we move forwards in the time, and forwards and backwards in the space. Because the space and the time somehow are bound, to travel forwards or backwards in the time theoretically would not be an impossible one. According to an aspect already demonstrated of [ [ theory of relativity ] ], to travel to [ [ speed (física)|velocidades ] ] near [ [ speed of the light ] ] can cause [ [ expansion of the time ] ], which causes that the time of the individual that travels at that speed runs more slowly. From the perspective of the traveller, "the external" time it seems to flow more quickly, causing than the traveller arrives at a place more advanced in [ [ future ] ]. In [ [ physical ] ], the concept of trip in the time frequently has been used to examine the consequences of physical theories like special relativity, general relativity and [ [ mechanical quantum ] ]. Experimental evidence of the trip in the time does not exist, and the present theories have not been understood perfectly of the physics that would allow any class of trip in the time. Although theories exist about the possibility of jumping time intervals from a point to another one. === the possibility of the trips in the time === [ [ special theory of relativity ] ] of [ [ Albert Einstein ] ] (and by extension [ [ theory of relatividad|teoría general ] ]) explicitly allows a temporary type of expansion that ordinarily could be denominated "trip in the time". The theory maintains that relatively to a stationary observer, the time it seems to flow more slowly for the bodies that move quickly: for example, a clock that moves will seem to run slower; when increasing its speed and approaching the speed of the light will seem to have stopped completely. Nevertheless, this effect only allows the "trip in the time" forwards in the future, never backwards. This type of trip is not typical of science fiction, and few doubts are had about their existence; nevertheless, from now on "it travels in the time" will talk about to the route with some degree of freedom towards the past or the future. In the scientific community many think that the trip through the time is impossible. This belief is to a large extent due to the theory of [ [ knife of Occam ] ] (razor Occam's). Any theory that allows the trip in the time requires that some situations of [ [ causality ] ] are solved. What would happen if somebody tries to travel in the time and kills their own grandfathers? (To see "[ [ paradoxical of the trip in tiempo|paradoja of the grandfathers ]]"). In addition, in the absence of any experimental evidence of the possibility of the trip in the time, it is theoretically simpler to suppose than it cannot happen. In fact, [ [ física|físico ] ] [ [ Stephen Hawking ] ] has suggested it absence of tourists of the future constitutes a fort argument against the existence of the trip in the time. That would be a variant of [ [ paradoxical of Fermi ] ] ("if there are no extraterrestrial visitors it is because the extraterrestrial ones do not exist"), where would be spoken of "travellers of the time" instead of "extraterrestrial visitors". Given these circumstances, others suggest - to which they maintain the position of Stephen Hawking- that in case in a future the human being could travel to the past, this one could not return to previous a temporary space at the time of the completion of this machine of the time. Also they suggest when traveling to the past we would be "creating" a universal parallel and we would not travel to a certain past but to a copy of this one but with one it differentiates: a space tourist. We would have thus two simultaneous temporary spaces: one where she appears a tourist of the time and another one where it does not appear. This one would be a hypothesis to discuss to us [ [ paradoxical ] ] of "If tomorrow planning a trip to today to say to me ` holá, why today I do not have a double alongside mine saying to me ` holá" Nevertheless, assuming that the temporary trip could not happen, also it would be an interesting subject for the physicists because it would offer the question to them of why and what physical laws avoid that it happens the temporary trip. ==== "the presentista" vision ==== The presentismo maintains that neither the future nor the past they exist, that the matter of the universe only exists in the present, and which the time is simply a concept of the human being used to describe what happens around to his. This way there would not be a place where the traveller of the time could go, which annuls the subject of the trip through the time. Nevertheless, the theory of relativity in the simultaneidad (within the frame of the modern physics) puts in judgment fabric the presentismo and favors the well-known vision like tetradimensionalismo (related to the idea of the time blocks), in which the passed, present and future events coexist all in a same space-time. === the equivalent ones of temporary trip and travels at the speed of the light === Before nothing, if somebody is able to move information from a point to another one more express than the speed of the light, according to special relativity, will be able to be observed the information transference traveling the past. The general theory of the relativity of [ [ Einstein ] ] extends the special theory to cover [ [ gravity ] ]. This is done postulating that "the curved" matter to the space that is around to his. But under relativity, the properties of the space are exchangeable with the properties of the time, depending on the perspective of the observer, so that a trajectory curved through the space can be a trajectory curved through the time. In a moderate measurement, this allows that linear trajectories of different lengths can connect points in the space such; in an extreme measurement, theoretically, it will be able to allow that temporary lines are curved around a circle and they are reconecten with his own last one. General relativity describes to the universe like a complex system of "[ [ equations of the field ] ]", and exist solutions for these equations that allow the closed temporary "curved" calls, and therefore the trip through the time towards the past. The first and most famous one was propose by [ [ Kurt Gödel ] ], but all the present examples require that the universe has certain physical characteristics that it does not seem to have. It is not known if general relativity prohibits closed temporary curves for all the realistic conditions. Most of the physicists they think that thus it is, to a large extent because if is assumed a certain principle against the temporary trip prepares the event with paradoxical situations. Trips to the future the Machine of the Time (unidirectional). To travel to the future does not have, in fact, nothing of individual. The time always flows in the same direction and we only must seat to us to hope at that the future it arrives until us. Nevertheless, that trip can be a little long for a human life. If we want to know what will happen tomorrow, we only must have a little patience, but the complica question if we want to see our tataranietos and looks like outside all possibility of contemplating our civilization within thousand years. The relativista effect of the expansion of the time offers to us, at least theoretically, the possibility of traveling to the future avoiding to age. In the paradox of the binoculars, both brothers were in the future but they had crossed different ways, and one of them, the one that had been accelerated until traveling at great speed in a spaceship, had reduced its aging. How much we can limit the aging? Theoretically we can limit it as much as we want since according to the formula of the temporary expansion we can cause that the time passes as slowly as we wish, whenever the speed of the ship (v) comes near sufficiently to the one of the light (c): Let us see some examples of trips the future. For it we will invest the previous formula to obtain the time passed in the Earth based on the passed one in the ship: If we left speed it of the ship is a 90% of the one of the light, the time passed in the Earth will be: That is to say, that going to this highest speed only we would even gain a modest factor two in our trip to the future. In order to make interesting trips to the future we needed that the rocket goes to really considerable speeds. For example, if the speed of the rocket were a 99.99% the one of the light, when the time passed in the rocket outside a year in the Earth would have passed a century: And the rocket would have to travel at a speed of a 99.9999% of the one of the light to be able to travel to the single future within thousand years having aged one: In order to travel to more distant futures ` sóló would be necessary to make that the speed was still more near the one of the light. Our ship traveling at great speed in a way with origin and return to the Earth is a machine of the time to travel to the future that, in the measurement in which we are able to increase its speed, can take to us without subsequent to aging to any time ours. It is evident that the construction of this ship, of this machine of the time, is outside the technical possibilities of our civilization. Nevertheless, there are examples that demonstrate that the idea is correct. In the Earth we received particles that come from the center of our galaxy to distances that the light takes thousands of years in crossing. That is to say, they were produced does thousands of terrestrial years. Nevertheless, these particles cannot not even resist a trip of a minute since they are disintegrated in a matter of seconds after to be created. How to explain this paradox? Making use of the temporary expansion: the particles have been accelerated at speeds so near the one of the light, that had only aged seconds whereas in the Earth passed thousands of years. Our machine of the time is unidirectional, only allows us to travel to the future. This, without a doubt, limits much the enchantment of the trip. It would not be possible, for example, to travel to the future to throw a look to the results of a game of chance and of returning back... Possibility to travel to past, which she is the one that makes really interesting to a machine of the time, it is very doubtful and it can affect very general principles. Without losing of Vista these restrictions, in another section we will discuss how we could transform our machine of the unidirectional time based on the paradox of the binoculars into a machine of the time of two-way traffic using ` hole of gusanó. The trips in the time require much imagination. Fundamentally fiction. No matter how much it is traveled at the speed of the light, our displacement will have been carried out at the rate of 300,000 km/s. we will have crossed a distance of 300,000 km in only a second, the same second that will have passed in the Earth. Consequently, the traveller will have aged just like the one that does not travel: both will be same second the oldest ones. The only difference is that in the same second one has been in movement and other no. No matter how hard the accounts become, the result always is the same one. The speed of the light is a parameter of space and movement that allows to calculate distances in astronomical units. It means that if we want to travel to the constellation of Toucan, will be needed to use the friolera of 12,000 million years traveling at the speed of the light, and the same in returning. In the global calculation to complete the roundtrip route, for the traveller and the nontravelling one they will have had to pass 24,000 million years. That is to say, impossible (at the moment). Therefore, there is no place to possible paradoxes. Another subject is that metamatemáticamente or Metaphysical it is tried to translate in equations which is only fruit of a desire. By the way, wonderful desire. The satellites that they indicate to the GPS need to be regularized applying the relativistas equations of Einstein, or to be completed, since their speeds modify the time relative to the terrestrial one. If no, the accumulated delay constantly would modify the temporary parameters referred to the synchronization and the GPS they would not serve as anything. === the use of the worm holes === [ [ Imagen:Wormhole-demo.png|thumb|right|Analogía 2D of a worm hole ] ] a propose machine of temporary trip that uses [ [ worm hole ] ] would work ([ [ hipótesis|hipotéticamente ] ]) of the following way: a worm hole is created somehow. An end of the tunnel is accelerated at a speed near the one of the light, perhaps with a spaceship outpost, and then it is returned of return to the point of origen. Due to the temporary expansion (due to the speed), the accelerated end of the tunnel has aged less than the stationary end (from the point of view of an external observer). Nevertheless, the time is different through the tunnel that outside him: two put synchronous clocks in each end of the tunnel will stay always synchronous (from the point of view of an observer within the tunnel), without concerning the speed difference. This means that an observer who entered the accelerated end, would leave by the stationary end when the stationary end had the same age that the end accelerated at the moment before entering. For example, if before entering the worm hole the observer it noticed that the clock in the accelerated end showed the 2006 whereas the clock in the stationary end already said 2007, then observer could leave by the stationary end when the stationary clock still said 2006. A significant limitation of such machine is that it is only possible to travel towards the past in the starting point when was created the machine; in essence, more like a passage through the time is considered that a device that moves through the time: it does not allow that the own technology in itself travels through the time. This can allow an alternative explanation to the paradox of Hawking: someday one of these machines will be able to be constructed to the past, but they have still not been constructed, reason why the temporary tourists never will be able to arrive at our present. To create a hole of worm of an appropriate size for a macrocospic ship, to maintain it stable and to move one of its ends with the ship would require a significant level of energy in an order much greater than the amount of energy that [ [ sun ] ] as ours it can generate in all its period of life. The creation of a worm hole also would require the existence of a called substance "exotic matter", that - even though it is not impossible does not know if it exists in useful forms for the generation of a worm hole. (To see for example [ [ effect Cashmere ] ]). Therefore it is improbable that such device is constructed, even with technology highly outpost. On the other hand, microscopic holes of worm still can be useful to send return information to the past through the time. In 1993, Matt Visser argued that both extreme of a tunnel of worm with such induced temporary difference they could not be reunited without generating a gravitational field and effects quantum that would cause that the tunnel colapsara or that both extreme repelled [ ] Due to this, both extreme they could not approach the sufficient thing because a violation of [ would take place [ causality ] ]. Nevertheless, in ' ' [ [ to paper ] ] ' ' of 1997, Visser conjectured that the complex configuration of a "ring Roman" (thus named in honor to [ [ Tom Roman ] ]) of a number N of aligned holes of worm in a symmetrical polygon could act like a machine of the time, although concludes that this would not be as much a defect in the classic theory of the quantum gravity, but rather the test that [ is possible to violate the causality ] === Use of gigantic rotatory cylinders === Another theory, developed by Frank Tipler, implies a rotatory cylinder. If a cylinder is the sufficiently long and dense thing, and turns the sufficiently fast thing in relation to its longitudinal axis, then a ship that flew around the cylinder in a spiral trajectory could travel back in the time (or forwards, depending on the sense of the movement of the ship). Nevertheless, the length, the density and the required speed are so great that the ordinary matter is not sufficiently strong to construct it. === Use of a cosmic cord === [ can be constructed to a similar device from one [ theory of cuerdas|cuerda cosmic ] ], but it is not known of the existence of some, and it does not seem that it is possible to create a new one. === Use of a heavy atomic nucleus === The physicist Robert Forward noticed that an ingenuous application of [ [ theory of relativity general general|relatividad ] ] to [ [ mechanical quantum ] ] would allow to construct a machine of the time. [ [ heavy atomic nucleus ] ] located within a fort [ [ magnetic field ] ] could be extended until forming a cylinder, whose density and rotation would be sufficient to travel in the time. [ [ ray gamma|rayos gamma ] ] projected could allow to send information (although nonmatter) of return to the past. Nevertheless, it needed that until we do not have a single theory that combines relativity and the quantum mechanics, we will not have idea if such speculations are absurd. === Use of the quantum encirclement === The phenomena of the quantum mechanics such as [ [ teletransporte ] ] quantum, [ [ paradoxical EPR ] ] (named by the initials of [ [ Albert Einstein ] ], [ [ B. Podolsky ] ] and [ [ Nathan Rosen ] ]), or quantum encirclement can seem that it generates a mechanism that allows communication FTL (' ' to faster than light' ': faster than the light) or it travels temporary. In fact some interpretations of the quantum mechanics (such as the interpretation of [ [ Bohm ] ]) is conceited that the particles interchange information of instantaneous way to be able to maintain the correlation among them. [ [ Enstein|Einstein ] ] to this end talked about like "horrifying ' ' [ spooky ] ' ' action at a distance". Peculiarly, the rules of the quantum mechanics seem to prevent the transmission of useful information by these means, and therefore it seems that "it did not allow" to the trip in the time or communication FTL. This fact exaggerated and bad is interpreted by the way type of books and magazines of tried scientific spreading about the teleportación experiments. At the present time, the way in that works the quantum mechanics to maintain the causality is a very active area of scientific research. === the possibility of the paradoxes === [ [ principle of autoconsistencia of Novikov ] ] and recent calculations of Kip S. Thorne indicates that simple masses happening in the time through worm holes could not generate paradoxes, since initial conditions do not exist that induce a paradox once the trip in the time is introduced. If their results can be generalized would suggest, peculiarly, that no of the paradoxes formulated in histories of temporary trip really can be formulated in a physical level: that is to say, which any situation that is caused in a history of temporary trip can allow many coherent solutions. The circumstances could nevertheless, to become almost incredibly I am strange. [ [ Universal parallels ] ] can provide a route that allows to avoid paradoxes. The multiple world interpretation of [ [ Everett ] ] suggests all the possible quantum events can happen simultaneously in exclusive histories. These alternating or parallel histories, would form a graft tree that would symbolize all the possible results of any interaction. Because all the possibilities exist, any paradox can be explained when happening the paradoxical events in a different universe. This concept frequently is used in science fiction. Nevertheless, at the present time, the physicists think that this interaction or interference between these alternative histories is not possible (to see [ [ conjecture of chronological protection ] ]). === the trip in the time and the antrópico principle === Physicists as Max Tegmark absence of the trip in the time and the existence of causality has suggested it can occur due to [ [ antrópico principle ] ]. The argument is that a universe that allows to trips in the time and closed cycles of time is one in that intelligence would not evolve because an organization would be impossible to determine (to classify) the events in a past or a future, to make predictions, or to include/understand the world to his around. Observing that this would not impose no restriction before supernatural agents (like God) who are not confined by the limits of the space-time. See the following section for more details. === Distance in the trips through the time === In agreement with special relativity, the physical laws can be invariable during [ [ Lorentz transformations ] ]. These mixtures of space dimensions like time, can be compared to a relation of distance by [ [ speed of the light ] ]. So second [ is comparable to a unit of equal distance to 299792.458 [ km ] ]. Inversely, the distance of 1 m is comparable to near 3,34nanosegundos. Also light can be compared a "year" to a "year" (since the square of a distance indicates the opposite thing to the square of a time, the time and the space is not really identical). Now, if one assumes that the same distances in space and time present/display the same level of technical difficulty, then to move in the time only by a second, ahead or back, it would be like flying to the moon. To move some years would be as to move to some of near stars. And if it were wanted to visit the time of the dinosaurios, perhaps it would be like traveling to a distant galaxy. On the base of this argument, some people think that the trip through the time would require a very advanced level of technology (unless something similar to [ were used [ teleportación ] ]). Alternatively, remote observers suggest all the space-time is connected, perhaps through the quantum characteristics of [ [ condensed Bose-Einstein ] ], and that can instantaneously be had access to any point through a directed conscience. == the trip in the time in the fiction == === Literature === [ [ Imagen:Herbert George Wells in 1943.jpg|thumb|right|H. G. Wells, author of ' ' the machine of tiempó ' ] ] the first mention in the Literature of a machine to travel in the time comes from the imagination from [ [ Enrique Gaspar and Rimbau ] ], a writer [ [ España|español ] ] that meticulously describes in its work ' ' anacronópeté' to it. ' ' [ [ the machine of the time ] ] ' ' of [ [ H. G. Wells ] ] is considered as a masterpiece of Literature in its sort. ' ' To Connecticut Yankee system in King Arthur's Court' ' (`Un [ [ Yankee ] ] in the cut of [ [ king Arturo ] ] ') of [ [ Mark Twain ] ] is another classic one of trips in the time. But probably the most elaborated supposed demonstrations of the temporary trips they are in ' ' All You Zombies' ' and in ' ' By His Bootstraps' ' of [ [ To Heinlein ] ]. In nine books ' ' [ [ Trojan horse (novela)|Caballo of Troy ] ] ' ' of the Spanish [ [ J. J. Benítez ] ], the main personage travels to [ [ Palestine ] ] of year 30. There the trip in the time in great detail is described, explaining how a hypothetical machine of time would work exactly; peculiarly this same technology, although with different names, appears previously in different originating published books that deal with presumed ' ' extraterrestres' ' of the Ummo planet (' ' affairé ' that has been demonstrated completely false, invented by "Spanish ufólogos"): all this technology (investment of the axes of elementary particles), then, false and is completely invented of principle to aim. Frequently in many films or books of [ [ science fiction ] ] appears the history of a personage who travels at the same time different from his, where explores the interaction of the personage with the people and technologies of that time like part of a cultural impact. Other ramifications explore the changes in situations that generate reactions, [ [ universal parallel paralelo|universos ] ] and alternative history where some insignificant event that assumed that it had to happen in certain time did not take place, and therefore cause great changes in the future. Between the famous machines of the time of the fiction ] is included [ [ TARDIS ] of the series ' ' [ [ Doctor Who ] ] ' ' of [ [ BBC ] ], whose outer aspect resembled a cabin of the London police of the decade of [ [ years 1950|cincuenta ] ]. In the saga of ' ' [ [ Return to the future ]], the protagonists used [ [ automobile ] ] [ [ Of Lorean ] ] altered, that traveled through the time thanks to [ [ condensing of flow ] ]. In ' ' Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventuré ' is used one [ [ telephone cabin ] ]. In ' ' Army of Darkness' ' exists a space-temporary vestibule. Also in the series of television [ [ Stargate SG-1 ] ] is used a presumed foreign device that generates holes of worm for, under certain conditions, to carry out trips in the time (chapters "1969" and "2010"). In the same series are other devices in form of spaceships able to make this type of trips, although in all the cases are to the complications and paradoxes that this type of trips could cause. [ [ Isaac Asimov ] ] in its novel ' ' [ [ the eternity end ] ] ' ' handles a concept of trip in the time where called agents exist "temporary" who are located in a specific zone of the time and from changes can there go forwards or backwards in the time making to help the humanity and this way to avoid catastrophes. === Cinema and television === The idea of trips in the time in films and television is a subject that has been operated frequently through the history of the entertainment. Recent film examples key are: [ [ Imagen:De_Lorean_filter.jpg|thumb|240px|Imagen of the one Of Lorean used in the film [ [ Return to futuro|Regreso to the Future ] ] ] ] * ' ' [ [ the time in his manos|The Time Machine ]], 1960 version * ' ' Time After Timé ' (1979) * ' ' [ [ Somewhere in Time ] ] ' ' (1980, with [ [ Christopher Reeve ] ]) * ' ' Final The Countdown' ' (1980) * ' ' Time Bandits' ' (1981) * ' ' Timerider: The Adventure of Lyle Swan' ' (1982) * ' ' [ [ Terminator ] ] ' ' (1984) * ' ' [ [ Return to the future ] ] ' ' (or To return to the Future) (1985) * ' ' [ [ the flight of the navigator ] ] ' ' (1986, Narrates the history of a boy who is abduced by a strange ship sentiente and given back with the same age several years later. After knowing the whereabouts this ship, the boy undertakes a fantastico trip in her through the space-time after opportunely returning original) * ' ' Star Trek IV. Mission: to save the Tierrá ' (or ' ' Trip to stars: the trip to casá ') (1986) * ' ' Peggy Sue Got Married' ' (1986) * ' ' Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventuré ' (1989) * ' ' Quantum Leap' ' (1989) * ' ' [ [ Catched in the time ] ] ' ' (1993) * ' ' [ [ Timecop ] ] ' ' (1994) * ' ' [ [ Twelve monkeys ] ] ' ' (1995) * ' ' Frequency' ' (2000) * ' ' Donnie Darkó ' (2001) * ' ' Kate & Leopold' ' (2001) * ' ' [ [ Only ] ] ' ' (2001) * ' ' the machine of tiempó ' (version of 2002) * ' ' Potter and the prisoner of Azkabán ] ] ' ' (2004) * ' ' Primer' ' (2004) * ' ' [ [ the effect butterfly ] ] ' ' (2004) * ' ' [ [ Timeline ] ] ' ' (2004) * ' ' [ [ the sound of the thunderclap ] ] ' ' (2005) * ' ' The Jacket (Regressions of a dead man) ' ' (2005) * ' ' Déjà Vú ' (2006) the trip through the time has been represented in the television, with programs like ' ' Rocky & Bullwinklés' ' (1959-1964), ' ' WABAC Machiné', ' ' [ [ Doctor Who ] ] ' ' (1963-1989, 2005 -), ' ' the tunnel of tiempó ' (1966-1967), ' ' Tomorrow's Peoplé ' (' ' People of mañaná ') and ' ' Quantum Leap' ' (1989-1993). Several episodes of ' ' [ [ Dwarfed Red ]], ' ' [ [ Star Trek ] ] ' ' ' ' (Trip to stars) ' ', ' ' [ [ Beyond the Limit ] ] and [ [ Stargate|Stargate SG-1 ] ] extensively show the trip in the time. Also [ has imagined in the series of [ sleeve ] ] and [ [ animates ] ] [ [ Ball Dragoon ] ], in the personage of [ [ Trunks ] ], and in other sleeves like [ [ Doraemon ] ], thanks to its machine hidden in a drawer. === Types of trip through the time in the fiction === The trips in the time of science fiction and other means can be grouped generally in two types (since based on the variety of methods they would be extremely numerous), that are subdivided as well. This type of classification is not related to the methods to travel through the time, but to the different rules from the line of time.

Trip through the time Of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia To jump to navigation, search

Space and temporary dimensions of an event, from the point of view of the lightThe trip through the time is a concept of displacement forwards or back in different points from the time, as well as we do it in the space. Additionally, some interpretations of trip in the time suggest the possibility of trips between parallel realities or universes.

Is theoretically possible the trip through the time? And if outside thus, we could generate paradoxes during a trip in the time (for example to avoid the birth of our own ancestors)?

In fact, it is considered that the humans we are constantly traveling through the time, only that of a linear way, of the present to the immediate future, inexorably, until the death.

Table of contents [ocultar] 1 the trips through the time in the physics 1,1 Movements in the time and the space 1.2 The possibility of the trips in the time 1.2.1 "the presentista" vision 1.3 The equivalent ones of temporary trip and travel at the speed of the light 1.4 The use of the worm holes 1,5 Use of gigantic rotatory cylinders 1,6 Use of a cosmic cord 1,7 Use of a heavy atomic nucleus 1,8 Use of the quantum encirclement 1.9 The possibility of the paradoxes 1.10 The trip in the time and the antrópico principle 1,11 Distance in the trips through the time 2 the trip in the time in the fiction 2,1 Literature 2,2 Cinema and television 2,3 Types of trip through the time in the fiction 2.3.1 Immutable lines of time 2.3.2 Mutables lines of time 2.3.3 Instantaneous and gradual 2.3.4 Trip in the time or travels space in the time? 2.3.5 Other points of view and their examples 2,4 Trips in the time through the videojuegos 3 Paradox of which they do not exist travelling of the time 4 KEO a trip to the future 5 the religion and the trips through the time 5,1 Prophecies: information from the future 5,2 Yoga: to see the future 6 References 6,1 Scientific references 6,2 Literary references 6,3 Philosophical references 7 Ve'ase also 8 external Enlaces

the trips through the time in the physics  [to publish]
Movements in the time and the space  [to publish]Some theories suggest the fact that we move forwards in the time, and forwards and backwards in the space. Because the space and the time somehow are bound, to travel forwards or backwards in the time theoretically would not be an impossible one.

According to an aspect already demonstrated of the theory of relativity, to travel at speeds near the speed of the light can cause the expansion of the time, which causes that the time of the individual that travels at that speed runs more slowly. From the perspective of the traveller, "the external" time it seems to flow more quickly, causing than the traveller arrives at a place advanced more in the future.

In physics, the concept of trip in the time frequently has been used to examine the consequences of physical theories like special relativity, general relativity and the quantum mechanics. Experimental evidence of the trip in the time does not exist, and the present theories have not been understood perfectly of the physics that would allow any class of trip in the time. Although theories exist about the possibility of jumping time intervals from a point to another one.

[to publish] the possibility of the trips in the time The special theory of relativity of Albert Einstein (and by extension the general theory) explicitly allows a temporary type of expansion that ordinarily could be denominated "trip in the time". The theory maintains that relatively to a stationary observer, the time it seems to flow more slowly for the bodies that move quickly: for example, a clock that moves will seem to run slower; when increasing its speed and approaching the speed of the light will seem to have stopped completely.

Nevertheless, this effect only allows the "trip in the time" forwards in the future, never backwards. This type of trip is not typical of science fiction, and few doubts are had about their existence; nevertheless, from now on "it travels in the time" will talk about to the route with some degree of freedom towards the past or the future.

In the scientific community many think that the trip through the time is impossible. This belief is to a large extent due to the theory of the knife of Occam (razor Occam's). Any theory that allows the trip in the time requires that some situations of causality are solved. What would happen if somebody tries to travel in the time and kills their own grandfathers? (To see the "paradox of the grandfathers").

In addition, in the absence of any experimental evidence of the possibility of the trip in the time, it is theoretically simpler to suppose than it cannot happen. In fact, the physicist Stephen Hawking has suggested it absence of tourists of the future constitutes a fort argument against the existence of the trip in the time. That would be a variant of the paradox of Fermi ("if there are no extraterrestrial visitors it is because the extraterrestrial ones do not exist"), where would be spoken of "travellers of the time" instead of "extraterrestrial visitors". Given these circumstances, others suggest - to which they maintain the position of Stephen Hawking- that in case in a future the human being could travel to the past, this one could not return to previous a temporary space at the time of the completion of this machine of the time.

Also they suggest when traveling to the past we would be "creating" a universal parallel and we would not travel to a certain past but to a copy of this one but with one it differentiates: a space tourist. We would have thus two simultaneous temporary spaces: one where she appears a tourist of the time and another one where it does not appear. This one would be a hypothesis to discuss the paradox to us of "If tomorrow planning a trip to today to say to me ` holá, why today I do not have a double alongside mine saying to me ` holá" Nevertheless, assuming that the temporary trip could not happen, also it would be an interesting subject for the physicists because it would offer the question to them of why and what physical laws avoid that it happens the temporary trip.

[to publish] "the presentista" vision The presentismo maintains that neither the future nor the past they exist, that the matter of the universe only exists in the present, and which the time is simply a concept of the human being used to describe what happens around to his. This way there would not be a place where the traveller of the time could go, which annuls the subject of the trip through the time.

Nevertheless, the theory of relativity in the simultaneidad (within the frame of the modern physics) puts in judgment fabric the presentismo and favors the well-known vision like tetradimensionalismo (related to the idea of the time blocks), in which the passed, present and future events coexist all in a same space-time.

[to publish] the equivalent ones of temporary trip and travels at the speed of the light Before nothing, if somebody is able to move information from a point to another one more express than the speed of the light, according to special relativity, will be able to be observed the information transference traveling the past.

The general theory of the relativity of Einstein extends the special theory to cover the gravity. This is done postulating that "the curved" matter to the space that is around to his. But under relativity, the properties of the space are exchangeable with the properties of the time, depending on the perspective of the observer, so that a trajectory curved through the space can be a trajectory curved through the time.

In a moderate measurement, this allows that linear trajectories of different lengths can connect points in the space such; in an extreme measurement, theoretically, it will be able to allow that temporary lines are curved around a circle and they are reconecten with his own last one.

General relativity describes to the universe like a complex system of "equations of the field", and exist solutions for these equations that allow the closed temporary "curved" calls, and therefore the trip through the time towards the past.

The first and most famous one was propose by Kurt Gödel, but all the present examples require that the universe has certain physical characteristics that it does not seem to have. It is not known if general relativity prohibits closed temporary curves for all the realistic conditions. Most of the physicists they think that thus it is, to a large extent because if is assumed a certain principle against the temporary trip prepares the event with paradoxical situations.

Trips to the future the Machine of the Time (unidirectional).

To travel to the future does not have, in fact, nothing of individual. The time always flows in the same direction and we only must seat to us to hope at that the future it arrives until us. Nevertheless, that trip can be a little long for a human life. If we want to know what will happen tomorrow, we only must have a little patience, but the complica question if we want to see our tataranietos and looks like outside all possibility of contemplating our civilization within thousand years. The relativista effect of the expansion of the time offers to us, at least theoretically, the possibility of traveling to the future avoiding to age.

In the paradox of the binoculars, both brothers were in the future but they had crossed different ways, and one of them, the one that had been accelerated until traveling at great speed in a spaceship, had reduced its aging. How much we can limit the aging? Theoretically we can limit it as much as we want since according to the formula of the temporary expansion we can cause that the time passes as slowly as we wish, whenever the speed of the ship (v) comes near sufficiently to the one of the light (c):

Let us see some examples of trips the future. For it we will invest the previous formula to obtain the time passed in the Earth based on the passed one in the ship:

If we left speed it of the ship is a 90% of the one of the light, the time passed in the Earth will be:

That is to say, that going to this highest speed only we would even gain a modest factor two in our trip to the future. In order to make interesting trips to the future we needed that the rocket goes to really considerable speeds. For example, if the speed of the rocket were a 99.99% the one of the light, when the time passed in the rocket outside a year in the Earth would have passed a century:

And the rocket would have to travel at a speed of a 99.9999% of the one of the light to be able to travel to the single future within thousand years having aged one:

In order to travel to more distant futures ` sóló would be necessary to make that the speed was still more near the one of the light. Our ship traveling at great speed in a way with origin and return to the Earth is a machine of the time to travel to the future that, in the measurement in which we are able to increase its speed, can take to us without subsequent to aging to any time ours.

It is evident that the construction of this ship, of this machine of the time, is outside the technical possibilities of our civilization. Nevertheless, there are examples that demonstrate that the idea is correct. In the Earth we received particles that come from the center of our galaxy to distances that the light takes thousands of years in crossing. That is to say, they were produced does thousands of terrestrial years. Nevertheless, these particles cannot not even resist a trip of a minute since they are disintegrated in a matter of seconds after to be created. How to explain this paradox? Making use of the temporary expansion: the particles have been accelerated at speeds so near the one of the light, that had only aged seconds whereas in the Earth passed thousands of years.

Our machine of the time is unidirectional, only allows us to travel to the future. This, without a doubt, limits much the enchantment of the trip. It would not be possible, for example, to travel to the future to throw a look to the results of a game of chance and of returning back... Possibility to travel to past, which she is the one that makes really interesting to a machine of the time, it is very doubtful and it can affect very general principles. Without losing of Vista these restrictions, in another section we will discuss how we could transform our machine of the unidirectional time based on the paradox of the binoculars into a machine of the time of two-way traffic using ` hole of gusanó.

The trips in the time require much imagination. Fundamentally fiction. No matter how much it is traveled at the speed of the light, our displacement will have been carried out at the rate of 300,000 km/s. we will have crossed a distance of 300,000 km in only a second, the same second that will have passed in the Earth. Consequently, the traveller will have aged just like the one that does not travel: both will be same second the oldest ones. The only difference is that in the same second one has been in movement and other no. No matter how hard the accounts become, the result always is the same one. The speed of the light is a parameter of space and movement that allows to calculate distances in astronomical units. It means that if we want to travel to the constellation of Toucan, will be needed to use the friolera of 12,000 million years traveling at the speed of the light, and the same in returning. In the global calculation to complete the roundtrip route, for the traveller and the nontravelling one they will have had to pass 24,000 million years. That is to say, impossible (at the moment). Therefore, there is no place to possible paradoxes. Another subject is that metamatemáticamente or Metaphysical it is tried to translate in equations which is only fruit of a desire. By the way, wonderful desire.

The satellites that they indicate to the GPS need to be regularized applying the relativistas equations of Einstein, or to be completed, since their speeds modify the time relative to the terrestrial one. If no, the accumulated delay constantly would modify the temporary parameters referred to the synchronization and the GPS they would not serve as anything.

[to publish] the use of the worm holes Analogy 2D of a worm holeA propose machine of temporary trip that uses a worm hole would work (hypothetical) of the following way: a worm hole is created somehow. An end of the tunnel is accelerated at a speed near the one of the light, perhaps with a spaceship outpost, and then it is returned of return to the point of origen. Due to the temporary expansion (due to the speed), the accelerated end of the tunnel has aged less than the stationary end (from the point of view of an external observer).

Nevertheless, the time is different through the tunnel that outside him: two put synchronous clocks in each end of the tunnel will stay always synchronous (from the point of view of an observer within the tunnel), without concerning the speed difference.

This means that an observer who entered the accelerated end, would leave by the stationary end when the stationary end had the same age that the end accelerated at the moment before entering. For example, if before entering the worm hole the observer it noticed that the clock in the accelerated end showed the 2006 whereas the clock in the stationary end already said 2007, then observer could leave by the stationary end when the stationary clock still said 2006.

A significant limitation of such machine is that it is only possible to travel towards the past in the starting point when was created the machine; in essence, more like a passage through the time is considered that a device that moves through the time: it does not allow that the own technology in itself travels through the time.

This can allow an alternative explanation to the paradox of Hawking: someday one of these machines will be able to be constructed to the past, but they have still not been constructed, reason why the temporary tourists never will be able to arrive at our present.

To create a hole of worm of an appropriate size for a macrocospic ship, to maintain it stable and to move one of its ends with the ship would require a significant level of energy in an order much greater than the amount of energy that a sun as ours it can generate in all its period of life. The creation of a worm hole also would require the existence of a called substance "exotic matter", that - even though it is not impossible does not know if it exists in useful forms for the generation of a worm hole. (To see for example the effect Cashmere).

Therefore it is improbable that such device is constructed, even with technology highly outpost. On the other hand, microscopic holes of worm still can be useful to send return information to the past through the time.

In 1993, Matt Visser argued that both extreme of a tunnel of worm with such induced temporary difference they could not be reunited without generating a gravitational field and effects quantum that would cause that the tunnel colapsara or that both extreme were repelled. [ 1 ]

Due to this, both extreme they could not approach the sufficient thing because a violation of the causality would take place . Nevertheless, in paper of 1997, Visser it conjectured that the complex configuration of a "ring Roman" (thus named in honor to Tom Roman) of a number N of aligned holes of worm in a symmetrical polygon could act like a machine of the time, although concludes that this would not be as much a defect in the classic theory of the quantum gravity, but rather the test that it is possible to violate the causality. [ 2 ]

Use of gigantic rotatory cylinders  [to publish]Another theory, developed by Frank Tipler, implies a rotatory cylinder. If a cylinder is the sufficiently long and dense thing, and turns the sufficiently fast thing in relation to its longitudinal axis, then a ship that flew around the cylinder in a spiral trajectory could travel back in the time (or forwards, depending on the sense of the movement of the ship). Nevertheless, the length, the density and the required speed are so great that the ordinary matter is not sufficiently strong to construct it.

[to publish] Use of a cosmic cord A similar device from a cosmic cord can be constructed, but it is not known of the existence of some, and it does not seem that it is possible to create a new one.

[to publish] Use of a heavy atomic nucleus The physicist Robert Forward noticed that an ingenuous application of general relativity to the quantum mechanics would allow to construct a machine of the time. A located heavy atomic nucleus within a strong magnetic field could be extended until forming a cylinder, whose density and rotation would be sufficient to travel in the time. The projected gamma rays could allow to send information (although nonmatter) of return to the past. Nevertheless, it needed that until we do not have a single theory that combines relativity and the quantum mechanics, we will not have idea if such speculations are absurd.

[to publish] Use of the quantum encirclement The phenomena of the quantum mechanics such as teletransporte quantum, paradox EPR (named by the initials of Albert Einstein, B. Podolsky and Nathan Rosen), or quantum encirclement can seem that it generates a mechanism that allows communication FTL (to faster than light: faster than the light) or it travels temporary. In fact some interpretations of the quantum mechanics (such as the interpretation of Bohm) is conceited that the particles interchange information of instantaneous way to be able to maintain the correlation among them. Einstein to this end talked about like "horrifying [ spooky ] action at a distance".

Peculiarly, the rules of the quantum mechanics seem to prevent the transmission of useful information by these means, and therefore it seems that "it did not allow" to the trip in the time or communication FTL. This fact exaggerated and bad is interpreted by the way type of books and magazines of tried scientific spreading about the teleportación experiments. At the present time, the way in that works the quantum mechanics to maintain the causality is a very active area of scientific research.

[to publish] the possibility of the paradoxes The principle of autoconsistencia of Novikov and recent calculations of Kip S. Thorne indicate that simple masses happening in the time through worm holes could not generate paradoxes, since initial conditions do not exist that induce a paradox once the trip in the time is introduced. If their results can be generalized would suggest, peculiarly, that no of the paradoxes formulated in histories of temporary trip really can be formulated in a physical level: that is to say, which any situation that is caused in a history of temporary trip can allow many coherent solutions. The circumstances could nevertheless, to become almost incredibly I am strange.

Parallel universes can provide a route that allows to avoid paradoxes. The multiple world interpretation of Everett suggests all the possible quantum events can happen simultaneously in exclusive histories. These alternating or parallel histories, would form a graft tree that would symbolize all the possible results of any interaction.

Because all the possibilities exist, any paradox can be explained when happening the paradoxical events in a different universe. This concept frequently is used in science fiction. Nevertheless, at the present time, the physicists think that this interaction or interference between these alternative histories is not possible (to see the conjecture of chronological protection).

[to publish] the trip in the time and the antrópico principle Physicists as Max Tegmark absence of the trip in the time and the existence of causality has suggested it can occur due to the antrópico principle. The argument is that a universe that allows to trips in the time and closed cycles of time is one in that intelligence would not evolve because an organization would be impossible to determine (to classify) the events in a past or a future, to make predictions, or to include/understand the world to his around.

Observing that this would not impose no restriction before supernatural agents (like God) who are not confined by the limits of the space-time. See the following section for more details.

[to publish] Distance in the trips through the time In agreement with special relativity, the physical laws can be invariable during the Lorentz transformations. These mixtures of space dimensions like time, can be compared to a relation of distance by the speed of the light.

So second he is comparable to a unit of equal distance to 299 792,458 km. Inversely, the distance of 1 m is comparable to near 3,34 nanoseconds. Also light can be compared a "year" to a "year" (since the square of a distance indicates the opposite thing to the square of a time, the time and the space is not really identical).

Now, if one assumes that the same distances in space and time present/display the same level of technical difficulty, then to move in the time only by a second, ahead or back, it would be like flying to the moon. To move some years would be as to move to some of near stars. And if it were wanted to visit the time of the dinosaurios, perhaps it would be like traveling to a distant galaxy. On the base of this argument, some people think that the trip through the time would require a very advanced level of technology (unless something similar to the teleportación were used).

Alternatively, remote observers suggest all the space-time is connected, perhaps through the quantum characteristics of the condensed Bose-Einstein, and that can instantaneously be had access to any point through a directed conscience.

[to publish] the trip in the time in the fiction

Literature  [to publish] 

H. G. Wells, author of the machine of the timeThe first mention in the Literature of a machine to travel in the time comes from the imagination of Enrique Gaspar and Rimbau, a Spanish writer who meticulously describes in his work anacronópete to it.

The machine of the time of H. G. Wells is considered as a masterpiece of Literature in its sort. To Connecticut Yankee system in King Arthur's Court (`Un Yankee in the cut of king Arturo') of Mark Twain he is another classic one of trips in the time.

But probably the most elaborated supposed demonstrations of the temporary trips they are in All You Zombies and By His Bootstraps of A. Heinlein.

In nine books Trojan horse of the Spanish J. J. Benítez, the main personage travels to the Palestine of year 30. There the trip in the time in great detail is described, explaining how a hypothetical machine of time would work exactly; peculiarly this same technology, although with different names, appears previously in different published books that deal with presumed extraterrestrial the originating ones of the Ummo planet ( an affair that has been demonstrated completely false, invented by "Spanish ufólogos"): all this technology (investment of the axes of elementary particles), then, false and is completely invented of principle to aim.

Frequently in many films or books of science fiction the history of a personage appears who travels at the same time different from his, where explores the interaction of the personage with the people and technologies of that time like part of a cultural impact. Other ramifications explore the changes in situations that generate reactions, parallel universes and alternative history where some insignificant event that assumed that it had to happen in certain time did not take place, and therefore cause great changes in the future.

Between the famous machines of the time of the fiction the TARDIS of the series is included Doctor Who of the BBC, whose outer aspect resembled a cabin of the London police of the Fifties . In the saga of Return to the future, the protagonists used an automobile Of altered Lorean, that traveled through the time thanks to the flow condenser. In Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure is used a telephone cabin. In Army of Darkness exists a space-temporary vestibule.

Also in the series of television Stargate SG-1 a presumed foreign device is used that generates holes of worm for, under certain conditions, to carry out trips in the time (chapters "1969" and "2010"). In the same series are other devices in form of spaceships able to make this type of trips, although in all the cases are to the complications and paradoxes that this type of trips could cause.

Isaac Asimov in its novel the eternity end handles a concept of trip in the time where called agents exist "temporary" who are located in a specific zone of the time and from changes can there go forwards or backwards in the time making to help the humanity and this way to avoid catastrophes.

[to publish] Cinema and television The idea of trips in the time in films and television is a subject that has been operated frequently through the history of the entertainment.

Recent film examples key are:

Image of the one Of Lorean used in the film Return to the FutureThe Time Machine, version of 1960 Time After Time (1979) Somewhere in Time (1980, with Christopher Reeve) Final The Countdown (1980) Time Bandits (1981) Timerider: The Adventure of Lyle Swan (1982) Terminator (1984) Return to the future (or To return to the Future) (1985) The flight of navigator (1986, Narrates the history of a boy who is abduced by a strange ship sentiente and given back with the same age several years later. After knowing the whereabouts this ship, the boy undertakes a fantastico trip in her through the space-time after opportunely returning original) Star Trek IV. Mission: to save the Earth (or Trip to stars: the trip to house) (1986) Peggy Sue Got Married (1986) Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989) Quantum Leap (1989) Catched in the time (1993) Timecop (1994) Twelve monkeys (1995) Frequency (2000) Donnie Darko (2001) Kate & Leopold (2001) The Only One (2001) The machine of the time (2002 version) Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkabán (2004) First (2004) The effect butterfly (2004) Timeline (2004) The sound of the thunderclap (2005) The Jacket (Regressions of a dead man) (2005) Déjà Vu (2006) The trip through the time has been represented in the television, with programs like Rocky & Bullwinklés (1959-1964), WABAC Machine, Doctor Who (1963-1989, 2005 -), the tunnel of the time (1966-1967), Tomorrow's People (People the morning) and Quantum Leap (1989-1993). Several episodes of Red Dwarf, Star Trek (Trip to stars), Beyond Li'mite and Stargate SG-1 extensively show the trip in the time. Also one has imagined in the series of sleeve and animates Ball Dragoon, in the personage of Trunks, and other sleeves like Doraemon, thanks to his machine hidden in a drawer.

[to publish] Types of trip through the time in the fiction The trips in the time of science fiction and other means can be grouped generally in two types (since based on the variety of methods they would be extremely numerous), that are subdivided as well. This type of classification is not related to the methods to travel through the time, but to the different rules from the line of time.

1. The line of time is rigid and it is not possible to be changed. 1.1 The complete control of the trip in the time is not had. An example of this is the Morphail effect. This concept of the time could be denominated circular causality. A circular example of causality is in the science story fiction By His Bootstraps de R. Heinlein. 1.2 The principle of autocoherencia of Novikov is applied. This principle enunciates that if somebody traveled through the time, it could not act of any way that generated a paradox. 1.3 Any event that only seems to have changed the line of time has created new line of time (in a universal parallel). Others suggest the traveller in the time would be free of paradoxes because it has happened to another universe. 2. The line of time is flexible and is subject to the change. 2.1 The line of time is extremely resistant to the change and a concerted effort is required to change it. 2.2 The line of time can be changed easily.

[to publish] immutable Lines of time The trip in the time in case 1 does not allow paradoxes, although in the 1,3, the events can seem paradoxical.

In 1.1 the trip in the time is restricted, to disable the generation of paradoxes. If somebody tries to return to the past to create a paradox, will have an involuntary temporary trip or outside control. Michael Moorcock uses this way as a principle and calls the Morphail Effect. For example, a person travels to Germany in 1930 to kill Hitler, appears involuntarily in Montana.

In 1.2, the principle of autoconsistencia of Novikov (thus named by the Dr. Igor Dmitriyevich Novikov, professor of astrophysics in the University of Copenhagen) affirms that the existence of a method of trip in the time maintains the events to remain car-coherent (that is, without paradoxes). This even causes that it fails any attempt to violate this coherence, if require extremely improbable events.

Example n.º 1

An apparatus is had that can send a single portion of information of return to a precise moment of the time. A portion to 22:00:00 is received, and then nothing is received later during 30 s; then if information is sent to 22:00:00, everything will work. Nevertheless, if it is tried to send information to 22:00:15 (a time in that it assumes not received nothing), the transmitter will fail mysteriously, or some dog created a distraction during 15 s, or perhaps the transmitter yes sent the information but this same one did not work exactly to 22:00:15, etc.

Two excellent examples of this type of universe are in Timemaster, a novel of the Dr Robert Forward, and in it films of 1980 Somewhere In Time de Jeannot Szwarc, with Christopher Reeve (based on novel I.A.D.B. Time Return de Richard Matheson).

Example n.º 2

In the case of the Somewhere film In Time, it films treats on events that or happened or are on the verge of happening to the main personage Richard to him Collier (acted by Christopher Reeve) and that this one cannot control.

A old stranger (but who declares it to have known in the past) gives a clock to him to Collier. Later Collier is fascinated by a photography of a young actress, seizure in 1912. Finally it discovers that the young person in the photography is same the old one that gave the clock him, and that he was in the past knowing it. Collier chooses by own will in traveling 68 years back to the past to fulfill with which already it is written by history books. Then it knows it and one falls in love with her.

But a day takes a currency from its pocket that is of 68 años in the future (and it breaks a rule of not taking anything anachronistic towards the past), then is taken of return to the present, and therefore everything what it will realizó/realiza/realizará is written in history and Collier no longer can make nothing to change it. If it had remained in 1912, history would have been altered, and everything what it happened in the principle of the film had happened.

Another example that can fall conceivable in option 1,1 or 1,2 can be Vista in the two versions (it films and novel) of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Ázkaban. Harry and Hermione Granger travel back in the time to change history. When doing it one becomes pretends that only they conduct battles that were seen previously in history. Nevertheless, at their moment, no of the personages was found out the causes of those actions.

This it is another example of a predestined paradox. Nevertheless he is debatable that the mechanics of the trip in the time can really avoid the paradoxes, in the first place, avoiding that is made a priori when it happens the trip in the time secondly and, allowing them to remember the exact action, to execute it at the exact moment and to maintain therefore history coherent.

In a universe that allows the trip in the retrograde time but that it does not allow paradoxes, any present moment is the past or the future of an observer, therefore all eventos/historia is fixed. History can be thought as it films where already everything is previously neat. If it wishes to see a detailed study this way consider the nature of the time, sees "blocks of the time".

In 1.3 (any event which it only seems to have changed the line of time has created new line of time), any event that seems to be caused by a paradox has created in its place temporary new line. The past of the original temporary line it remains without changes, with the information or the traveller of the time simply in a faint, without they can return.

A difficulty for this explanation is that the observation of mass-energy would be violated by the original temporary line and the temporary line of destiny. A possible solution to this is that the mechanics of the trip in the time requires an interchange of mass-energy in a precise balance between passed and future during the moment of the trip, or that simply expands the reach of the conservation law to include all the temporary lines.

Some examples of this type of trip through the time can be in the book The Man Who Folded Himself (`el man that autoplegó ') of David Gerrold, it films Return to the future (II) of Robert Zemeckis (1989), and it films Star Trek: Generations (1994).

Example: in the second part of Return to the future, Marty McFly and doctor Brown (after the Doc returns to 1985 from century XXI) they decide to travel to 2015 to save the future son of Marty. When they are there Marty buys an almanac of sport events with data from 1951 to that present, and decides to use it to obtain gains in bets. Doc Brown prohibits to take the book him with him, but inadvertently it leaves it near the evildoer Biff Tannen, now old.

During that night, without the knowledge of Marty or of the Doctor, Biff robs the DeLorean car (the machine of the time) to change history (using the sport almanac to achieve its own financial success).

From the point of view of the hearing, Tannen returns to the year 2015 a few moments after for having robbed the DeLorean and it leaves it so that Marty and the Dr Brown can use it to return to 1985. Nevertheless soon they discover what Biff caused: Biff traveled to certain point of 1955, where more young person was with same himself and it remained with the almanac.

Then the year 1985 at which Marty and the Dr Brown arrived it was the future of a line of time that began in the 1955 alternative one. In this new 1985 a (to by ' alternativó), Hill Valley has become a corrupt place and the lives of their citizens have been ruined due to Biff. But now Marty and the Dr Brown no longer can only return to 2015 to stopping to Biff, because that would be the 2015 of that line of time in individual.

Here it appears an error of the script: once the old Biff changed year 1955, it no longer could have returned to 2015 n (of normal) - in that they are Doc and young Senior Marty -, but that had arrived at 2015 at, in which the Dr Brown and Marty probably they could have made the trip through the time (since they would come from a Hill perverse Valley, with few opportunities). Briefly, once it is traveled of return in the time to then change history in individual, any thing that happens will be the future of that line of time in individual that has been altered.

Peculiarly, between the eliminated scenes of the film that can be seen in version DVD of Return future 2 it finds that the old Biff, when arriving again at 2015 n and lowering of the machine of the time, is seen like adolorido, and after walking few steps it falls in the street and it vanishes. In the commentaries, the director explains that this scene was eliminated in the beginning to avoid confusions that could be generated in the spectators, but of the conclusions that can be removed it is that the things that Biff changed in the past they had disastrous consequences for him, since when changing the past and marrying with the mother of Marty, she killed it of a firing in her new past.

[to publish] mutables Lines of time It is more difficult to explain the trip through the time in a universal type 2 ("the line of time is flexible and is subject to the change"). The greater problem is how to explain the changes in the past. An explanation method is that once the past changes, also they make the memories of all the observers. This means that no observer can notice itself of the changes in the past (because will not remember the changed salary of the past). This would be more difficult to explain if it is in a universal type 1 or type 2.

Nevertheless, it is possible to be deduced that it is already known that: a) the communication with the past is possible and b) seems that the line of time never was altered like result of an action that somebody remembers to have made, although exists the evidence of which another people are changing the lines of time frequently. An example of this class of universe appears in a novel of James P. Hogan, Thrice Upon to Time (`Había three veces', paraphrasing the principle of stories "was once...").

Larry Niven suggests in a universal type 2.1, the most efficient way so that a universe corrects a change is that the trip in the time is not discovered, and in one type 2.2, the great number (or infinitely number) of travellers of the time of the interminable futures would cause changes in the line of time until arriving at a history where the trip in the time never had been discovered. Nevertheless, many other "stable" situations also exist in which the trip in the time happens without paradoxes are generated. If the line of interchangeable time of the universe is in a state where no longer it will have more change, to the inhabitants of this universe it will seem to them an identical scene to the 1.2.

In Harry Potter the writer did not solve the problem of the created curl when Harry and Hermione return to the present and they almost are with same himself returning to the past, that is to say, will return in the time and will appear again, infinitely.

[to publish] Instantaneous and gradual In Literature two types of trip in the time like methods exist:

1. In the machine of the time, H. G. Wells explains that we are moving through the time at a constant speed. Then, on words of Wells, the trip through the time would be based on stopping or increasing the acceleration of somebody through the temporary dimension, or to give return return and even to travel in the other sense.

This type of trip in the gradual time adjusts better in the quantum physics, but he is not very popular in science modern fiction. Perhaps the oldest example of this example is in Alicia through the mirror (1871) of Lewis Carroll: White Reina is living in reversa, although its memory works in both directions. Its type of temporary trip is uncontrollable: she moves through the time at a constant speed of -1 and she cannot change it. This could make to Lewis Carroll the first inventor of the trip in the time.

In the first part of the novel of Arthur - The Eleven and Future King, The Sword in the Stone (1938), of T. H. White, is used the same idea: the magical Merlin lives in reversa, because it was born in the "mistaken end of the time" and must live on ahead backwards. Some people call it "to have the second vision".

2. The type commonest of trip in the time of science fiction is the instantaneous movement from a point to another one, as to change of place the prong in a vinyl disc in movement. A scientific explanation for this does not exist at least; but its popularity probably must to the fact that he is more spectacular and it causes that the trip in the time is seen easier.

[to publish] Viaje in the time or travels space in the time? The most classic problem with the concept of "ships that travel through the time" in science fiction is that invariably it treats to the Earth in the same frame of reference that the space. The idea that a traveller can enter a machine in Poughkeepsie that sends it to 1865 and leaves her in the same point in Poughkeepsie ignores the fact that a point anyone on the Earth constantly is moving around the axis of the planet (to 400 m/s), and that the Earth moves through the space around the Sun (to 29 km/s), and that the Sun is moving as well through the galaxy, and that the galaxy also moves, moving away of all the others (except of those with which she is united gravitationally, like those of the Local Group) like consequence of the Big Bang, etc.

So since espaciotiempo has four dimensions, and "trip through the time" only talks about "to move" in one of these dimensions, a traveller could not remain in the same place with respect to the Earth surface, because the Earth is a platform accelerated with a highly complex trajectory.

A ship that moved two or three seconds in the future would materialize to 100 km in the space, or perhaps within the planet (depending on the point where the Earth was located before and later)

Trip in the time or travels space in the time? [ editar]El more classic problem with the concept of "ships that travel through the time" in science fiction is that invariably it treats to the Earth in the same frame of reference that the space. The idea that a traveller can enter a machine in Poughkeepsie that sends it to 1865 and leaves her in the same point in Poughkeepsie ignores the fact that a point anyone on the Earth constantly is moving around the axis of the planet (to about 400 m/s), and that the Earth moves through the space around the Sun (to 29 km/s), and that the Sun is moving as well through the galaxy, and that the galaxy also moves, moving away of all the others (except of those with which she is united gravitationally, like those of the Local Group) as a result of the Big Bang, etc. So since espaciotiempo has four dimensions, and "trip through the time" only talks about "to move" in one of these dimensions, a traveller could not remain in the same place with respect to the Earth surface, because the Earth is a platform accelerated with a highly complex trajectory. A ship that moved two or three seconds in the future would materialize to about 100 km in the space, or perhaps within the planet (depending on the point where the Earth was located before and later). If a year moved before ", it would be finished in the deep space, where the Earth orbit around the Sun was located a year before... So, really: what the film directors make seem so easy in films is something feasible? But how it is possible to be separated to the ship of inertia? If it is tried to move advanced in the time, the ship automatically will be impelled by the inertia acquired when being in the Earth? Or it will be separated? Perhaps but, this does not bring the idea of an absolute frame of reference? Once again, when moving a millisecond even advanced or back in the time, the ship would have to appear beyond any thing that the human beings can construct, without mentioning that the acceleration and the deceleration in the space-time not only defy the structural integrity of the ship but also of the bodies of the passengers. A theoretician can even use this to discuss (in the style of the paradoxes of Zenón), about the impossibility of the machines of the time. Of course, a possible rebuttal to this critic, is the fact that the cars and airplane them constructed by human beings along with move around the Earth surface she, although the same surface moves at an astronomical speed. He is reasonable to assume that a traveller of the time along with experiences the combination of the space temporary inertia which makes him move at the same time that the Earth. In 1980 Robert Heinlein of published a novel titled The Number the Beast (`el number of bestiá), about a ship that allows to mark in the six (not four) co-ordinated of the space and time and instantaneously moves to the user to those coordinates without explaining how such device can work. The series of television Seven Days also took care of this problem; crononauta pilots a machine of the time outside the Earth surface, by means of joystick. Other points of view and their examples [ editar]En comic To the Feldstein and Joe Orlandós Weird Science de Bill Gaines, Why history Pope left Home (of 1952, based on Child by Chronos de Charles L. Harness) a travelling scientist of the time greatly is hit when occurring account of which he is his own father. Nevertheless, in the restaurant in the aim of the universe of Douglas Adams, they do not see any problem in the fact of being his own father, since he is this nothing with which a fit affluent family cannot fight. The greater problem is to illustrate the tension of the travellers of the time. Another problem in books is that the trip in the time is so complex, that to understand the related equations completely a dozen of lives was due to have. And like that it was possible only after the trip in the time was invented, nobody knew who was able to invent it. In the culminating scene of the Superman film (1978), Lois Lane dies like result of which its car falls in a crack created by an earthquake and this one is buried by the rubbish that falls. Dominated by the anguish, Superman decides to defy the advice of its kriptoniano father Jor-El, when interfering with history earth dweller. Then Superman travels quickly around the Earth axis to return right away in which the earthquake began and to annul it physically. Like result, Lois (and the population of California) are saved as if this event had not happened. In the Timerider film: The Adventure of Lyle Swan, the personage Lyle Swan (Fred Ward) is a motorcyclist of cross country that leaves course and arrives at a land of test of a device to travel in the time that sends it to 1882. In that time it mounts through the Old American West, to duer to me with a Spanish woman and confronts to a band of gunmen before being rescued of the past, not without before discovering that he is his own great-grandfather. In the history of Robert Heinlein All You Zombies is the possible turn out to take this concept to its logical and absurd conclusion: the travelling protagonist of the time will es/fue/será her own padre/hijo. In 1992 Harry Turtledove published novel The Guns of the South (`las arms of Sur'), which he took control popular of the history of a racist white South African who uses a machine of the time to return to the days of the American Civil War and equips to the confederado army (esclavista) with arms of century XX, like rifles of assault AK-47. With this aid, soon they win each battle and they march tasteful to Washington D.C. to capture Abraham Lincoln. Nevertheless, the machine of the time arbitrarily is limited to be able to take to people only a number of years to the past, which allows that another trip is prepared the actions with the racist target when making that prevents the events of the first trip. In most of science books fiction on in the time, a physical machine is included to transport people through the time, but also there are histories that include the trip in the time like a mental discipline, or "it travels in the psychic time". An example of this is Time and Again de Jack Finney, as well as I.A.D.B. Time Return de Richard Matheson (turned the film of 1980 Somewhere in Time, with Christopher Reeve). In House on the Strand, of Daphne du Maurier, the protagonist uses drugs that produce alterations that allow him to experience the trip through the time even though their physical body seems to be in the present. In There Will Be Time de Poul Anderson, the trip by the time like an ability is photographed that some have of birth, as well as happens in the film the effect butterfly. This last one shows the trip in the time like an inherited talent, where the mind or the spirit of the individual travels to the past and the traveller can change history, returning to the altered present. Also some people affiliated with organizations of study of ufos say that the ability to travel in the time is a talent that is in the brain of any person, and who this ability "is activated" in the mind of the Grays, that supposedly also have the ability to activate the human brains. Other people think that the teleportación and the trip in the time can be learned through practice of a similar way. Another argument common in fiction histories includes the concept to alter history with intentions you vitiate. In this type of histories, the villain tries to change history to alter or future the present, and history must recovered by the protagonist. In some occasions, it is assumed that only an amount of time is had limited available after the hero before history permanently is altered. It is possible to be argued that the Apocalypse of San Juan describes a form of trip in "the spiritual" time. In contrast to most of conceptualizaciones of science fiction of trip in the time, the Revelation says that Juan (during its exile in the Greek island Patmos) had a vision that appeared a spirit to him, and who the future time end was revealed to him by means of an angel sent by Jesus. Trips in the time through the videojuegos [ editar]En the game Fallout 2 is a special encounter that includes a stone structure that is a vestibule of the time. Happening through her it is transported to the player to the past, to a period previous to the first game of Fallout, where will be a computer with a water chip. Breaking the chip it assures that the events of the first game will happen, so that it surrounds the player who experienced the first game where a replacement of this chip looked for. This also causes that the personage of the players of descending Fallout 2 as of the personage of the first game has an accidental cycle of time like a predestined paradox. The encounter is called "The Guardian of Forever", a reference to an episode of Star Trek: "The City on the Edge of Forever" (' the city on the brink of madness eternidad'). In the game Command and Conquer Network Alert 2: Yurís revenge, is backed down to the past to avoid that Yuri controls the entire world. With it they are able to remodelar the future. In the games Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal, thanks to a "Capsule of the time" can be interchanged pokémons with the previous versions, since according to the plot, history in these versions happens three years after the previous ones. In Chrono Trigger (a game of action RPG), a group of heroes travels through the time towards the past and the future with the intention to prevent the Apocalypse. The game Crash Bandicoot 3: warped of the Playstation console implies the use of temporary vestibules to travel to several points of the time (past and future) and thus to join power crystals that are able to open the new temporary areas of 5 levels plus the level of heads that does not have crystals but it grants a power special, in addition to 42 gems and 37 sapphires thus to manage to revert the damage caused by villains UKA-UKA the Dr Nefarious Tropy (Dr N. Tropy) and the archinemesis of Crash the Dr Neon Cortex. In the game The Day of the Tentacle one of the protagonists stays the present in whereas one of its friends travels to the past and another one to the future. Thus, the actions of each one affect the others. A tree just cut in the past disappears in the future and the wine kept in a capsule of the time in the present takes shelter in the future like vinegar. In the series of "The Legacy of Kain" indicates that "history detests a paradox". In these games the line of time referred like "Timestream", is immutable. The changes done by anybody in individual do not have effect in the general flow of the time, but a paradox can be made greater changes when introducing. When a paradox is generated, the line of time is forced to modify itself to itself to adjust in the changes of history. In addition, nobody in the series of Kain has will free except Raziel and although not confirmed the messianic well-known figure like the Sción of the balance. In the game "Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego" (' In what place of the time is Carmen Sandiego ') and two series of television that derived from the same (Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? and Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego) the trip through the time appears extensively. The games Freedom Force and their sequel, Freedom Force versus the Third Reich, present/display a called personage Time Masters that it has to be able absolute on the time. The line of time of the universe of Freedom Force depends on a called construction Celestial Clock (celestial clock), which tries to destroy the Time Masters during the consequences of the first game, which they would be the end of all the intelligent life in the universe, with a scientific precision. In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Link, the main personage, can travel ahead and back in the time with the aid of the Masterful Sword and the Temple of the Time, although also it ages and rejuvenece when it does. Also, in the direct sequel of this titled game "Majora Mask", Link must travel to the past continuously aid of the Ocarina of the Time, since single has three días(Tiempo insufficient) to avoid that the moon falls on the Earth of Finishes, where is developed history. An educational game titled the Machine of the time of Mario, implies to Bowser robbing device valuable of history (like the pen of Shakespeare and the rudder of the boat of Magallanes) to show them in its museum, reason why Mario must travel to the past to stop it. The obvious defect within the scheme of Bowser is, nevertheless, that if he robs those devices and alters history (for example, that Shakespeare cannot write its works without its favourite pen) then the devices do not get to be valuable. In the Prince games of Persia: the sands of the time and Prince of Persia 2: Warrior Whiting, its protagonist, the Prince, uses a dagger of the time (or medallón, depending on the game) that makes him back down to the past during 10 s. This allows the players to constantly remake the actions that have not been carried out of correct or wished way, avoiding to fall in traps or attacks of the enemies. History contemplates how the Prince by error releases Sands of the Time, which is a catastrophe then all the people become horrifying creatures. The mission of the player is to return to lock up Sands of the Time to give back everything to normality. But this does not finish here since in his second part, the Prince must fight against its destiny and destroy the guardian of the time, the Dahaka, that has been released to destroy the Prince and to restore the line of the time without this protagonist has never existed. In the expansion of the game "Star Craft; Broodwar ", is explained how also the two races created by the X'el Nagá, can travel to the past or the future. This, in the case of the Zerg, makes the supreme organization of this race, Super, through the enormous one to be able psychic of which he is possessor. The other race that also can travel by the time is the Protoss, race very evolved in the spiritual and mental aspect, which thanks to their immense psiónicas abilities can curve the space-time. Even certain teachers of this race - like Raszagal- they can make psiónicas storms (that produce disrupciones in the space-time) and transport great armies at will. In TimeSplitters 2 the protagonist, sergeant Cortez, must travel through the time to recover nine temporary crystals with which their enemies, timesplitters, are seeding the chaos in the past (he lives in 2401). After the huída one with crystals, the humans create a machine of the time with whom they will avoid the creation of timesplitters, but with a great risk to a paradox. This last one happens in the following delivery, perfect future TimeSplitters. Paradox of which they do not exist travelling of the time [ editar]Si we took into account that every time we know more of quantum physics and that the technology progresses all along already we would have to be visited by travellers of the time, this means that the humanity will be extinguished before discovering the technology to travel in the time and also it is applied to worlds in parallel universes because they have not developed the technology either to travel between universes something must have happened in the future so that the humanity of several universes is extinguished and must be like a natural norm. On the other hand, also we could say that or trips in the time due to travellers exist (called, perhaps erroneamente extraterrestrial), who exist or that is going to exist (although if there is some traveller in our time, although comes from the future, means that "at the moment" if the trips in the time exist. Also there are vestiges of civilizations with a technology very similar to ours, like for example the Mechanism of Antiquitera that dates from between years 82 and 65 before Christ. This example, like many, could necessarily not be a test of an old civilization. But single there will be a form to be safe of that. KEO a trip to the future [ editar]El satellite KEO that will serve like a capsule of the time will be sent to the space in an orbit that will return to cross itself the Earth in 50.000 years. The religion and the trips through the time [ to publish ] Prophecies: [ editar]Es the future interesting information from to notice that any religion that postulates the existence of one complete prophecy requires, in the last case, an agent who can move information from the future towards the past. In the theology judeo-Christian, for example, one assumes that the God Yahveh exists without being limited by the space or the time. According to this doctrine, Yahvé is omnisciente and omnipresent. Some declarations in the Bible, such as the one of Jesus: "Before Abraham was born, I was" (Juan 8,58) and the one of Pedro: "[ Jesus ] was chosen before the creation of the world" (1 Pedro 1.20) always assuming that the creation of the world began in t = 0) implies that Yahvé does not govern by the same temporary line that ours, or that establishes the governing principles of the same one. This is supported by the assertion "I, the Gentleman, nonchange" (Malaquías 3,6), since a change would require displacement from a place to another one and to be contained by a continuous temporary series. Two temporary interpretations of these declarations are that Yahvé: 1) it would exist outside the continuous space-time; or that 2) Yahvé would exist simultaneously in any point of the space-tempo. In any case, Yahvé could transfer without restrictions information of a point of the space-time to any other point. Yoga: to see [ the future editar]Según the Fred physicist Alan Wolf - in its book The Yoga of Time Travel (`el yoga of the trip in tiempó) - the internal process of meditation of yoga (that is based on the Yoga Sutras de Patañjali) would allow to accede to the knowledge of the past and the future in the present. Wolf suggests this form of trip in the time could be obtained if the terrenales anchors of the mental ego were surpassed whereupon the human being blocks itself from within. The hinduismo thinks that a pure being of this nature would be tri-kala-jñá (tri: ` tres', kala: ` tiempos', and jñani: ` conocedor'), that knows about the three times: the past, the present and the future. Some is no test that that capacity is possible. References [ to publish ] scientific References [ editar]Anónimo, How to construct a machine of the time, ISBN 0142001864. Davies, Paul, About Time (`acerca of tiempó) ISBN 0684818221. Gott, J. Richard, Time Travel in Einstein's Univer: The Physical Possibilities of Travel Through Time (`El travels in the time in the universe of Einstein: the physical possibilities of the trip through tiempó), ISBN 0618257357. Nahin, Paul J., Time Machines: Time Travel in Physics, Metaphysics, and Science Fiction (`Máquinas of the time: the trip in the time in the physics, metaphysics and science ficción'), ISBN 0387985719. Pickover, Clifford To, Time: To Traveler's Guide (`Tiempo: it guides for viajeró), ISBN 0195130960 Tipler, Frank J., "Rotating Cylinders and the Possibility of Global Causality Violation" (the rotating cylinders and the possibility of a global violation of causalidad'), Physical Review (D 9, 2203), 1974. Literary references [ editar]Asimov, Isaac: The eternity end. Appel, Allen: Twice Upon to Time. Benford, Gregory: Cronopaisaje. Borges, Jorge Luis: The garden of footpaths that are branched off. Carpenter, Richard: Catweazle. Crichton, Michael: Sphere and Rescue in the time. Dickens, Charles, a story of Christmas. Du Maurier, Daphne: The House on the Strand. Finney, Jack: Time and Again, From Time to Time, The Third Level and others. Forde, Jasper: Lost in a Good Book. Heinlein, Robert A.: Door to the summer, All you, zombies (All You Zombies), By His Bootstraps, The Cat Who Walks Through Walls, Farnham's Freehold and Time Enough For Love. Lafferty, R. A.: Thus We Frustrate Charlemagne. Niffenegger, Audrey: The woman of the traveller in the time. Niven, Larry: Rotating Cylinders and the Possibility of Global Causality Violation. Powers, Tim: The Doors of Anubis. Rowling, J. K.: Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban. Swanwick, Michael: Bones of the Earth. Tarr, Judith and Harry Turtledove: Household Gods (1999). Twain, Mark: To Connecticut Yankee system in King Arthur's Court. Vonnegut, Kurt: Timequake. Wells, H. G.: The machine of the time Willis, Connie: Doomsday Book (ISBN 0553562738) and To Say Nothing of the Dog. Wilson, Robert C.: To Bridge of Years and the cronolitos. Philosophical references [ editar]Wolf, Fred Alan: The Yoga of Time Travel, ISBN 083560828X, 2004. More express also see [ editar]Isaac Asimov Capsule of the time Science Paradoxical fiction Space-time of the trip in the time John Titor Filadelfia Experiment parallel Worlds than the Paradoxical light of the grandfathers Arrow of the Retrocausalidad time External liaisons [ editar] ("Quantum Theory Looks AT Time Travel", article about the quantum physics and the paradoxes of the trip in the time, format pdf, English). (the machine of the time of H. G. Wells). (trips through the space and of the time). Ciencia-Ficcio' (science glossary fiction: trips by the time). (The Chronicle: "They create possible to travel by the time through the black holes"). (problematic of the trip backwards in the time). (the physics of the trip in the time). (Solved one of the greater difficulties to travel in the time). (the machine of the time is question of money and not of physics). (the trip in the time). Maquina of the time is possible I articulate on the possibility of traveling in the time. Obtained of ""