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Overleg:Roma in Turkije

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Laatste reactie: 10 maanden geleden door Sökerdan in het onderwerp Oorsprong of Horahane

Oorsprong of Horahane[brontekst bewerken]

De zogenaamde Turkse zigeuners ook Xoxarane, Horahane, Khorakhane genaamd, die alleen Turks spreken en soennitische moslims hebben, waaronder Bektashi's, zijn niet verwant aan de christelijke Roma in Europa. De Turkse Xoraxane zijn afstammelingen van de Indiase derwisjen die ooit 13-18 eeuw vanuit India naar het Ottomaanse rijk kwamen en daar soefi-ordes stichtten in de grote steden. Ze vermengden zich met islamitische Morisco's uit Spanje waar tussen 1609-1620s, soennitische Perzen, maar ook met mediterranen die zich bekeerden tot de islam, Krim-Tataren die als vluchteling naar het Ottomaanse rijk kwamen. Zo ontstond er een gemengd volk. Moslim Turkse Horahane vestigden zich in de Ottomaanse tijd ook op de Balkan, ook met Moslim Balkan en Grieken, gemengd, en wonen daar nog steeds. Sultan Süleyman vaardigde in 1520 een wet uit dat islamitische en christelijke Roma zich niet mochten vermengen, zaken doen of met elkaar trouwen.

Turks Horahane sprak nooit romanes, alleen Turks. Sökerdan (overleg) 5 aug 2023 14:17 (CEST)Reageren

The Muslim Turkish Roma and European Roma are not the same, although they share some common cultural and historical aspects. The Roma, also known as Romanlar (plural), are an ethnic group with a diverse range of subgroups spread across different regions of the world. They have a distinct and a rich cultural heritage. The Romanlar in Turkey are not directly related to the Roma people from Europe. While both groups have historical connections to the Romani people, they have distinct origins and cultural identities.
The Roma originated in Northern India and migrated to Europe around the 14th century. Over time, they spread across various European countries, forming different subgroups with their own dialects and traditions. These European Roma communities have faced a long history of discrimination and marginalization.
In Turkey, there is a significant population of Turkish Roma. They have their own distinct identity within the broader Roma community. The Turkish Roma have a unique history and cultural practices that differentiate them from other European Roma groups.
The Turkish Roma have been present in Anatolia for centuries, with some historical records suggesting their presence as early as the 11th century. They have integrated into Turkish society while maintaining their distinct cultural traditions. The Turkish Roma are known for their music, dance, craftsmanship, and oral traditions.
While both the Turkish Roma and European Roma share a common Romani heritage, there are notable differences between them. These differences can be observed in language, cultural practices, religious beliefs, and historical experiences. The Turkish Roma have been influenced by the dominant Turkish culture and have developed their own unique blend of traditions.
It is important to note that the term "Roma" encompasses a diverse range of subgroups with their own specific identities within different countries and regions. Each subgroup has its own history, language variations, and cultural practices that contribute to the overall richness and diversity of the Roma people, while there are similarities between the Turkish Roma and European Roma due to their shared Romani heritage, they are distinct groups with their own unique cultural identities shaped by their respective historical experiences and geographical locations. Sökerdan (overleg) 5 sep 2023 15:47 (CEST)Reageren