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Lijst van nieuw beschreven zoogdieren (2000)

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Dit is een lijst van nieuw beschreven zoogdieren uit 2000. De term "zoogdieren" omvat hier ook de overige "Mammaliaformes" (Docodonta, Haramiyida, Morganucodonta en enkele andere geslachten).

Fossiele hogere taxa

[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]
Naam Auteur Referentie Commentaar
Durudawirinae Crosby & Archer, 2000 Crosby, K. & Archer, M. 2000. Durudawirines, a new group of phalangeroid marsupials from the Miocene of Riversleigh, northwestern Queensland. Journal of Paleontology 74(2):327-335.
Escavadodontidae Rose & Lucas, 2000 Rose, K.D. & Lucas, S.G. 2000. An early Paleocene palaeanodont (Mammalia, ?Pholidota) from New Mexico, and the origin of Palaeanodonta. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(1):139-156.
Haramiyaviidae Butler, 2000 Butler, P.M. 2000. Review of the early allotherian mammals. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 45(4):317–342.
Yaraloidea Muirhead, 2000 Muirhead, J. 2000. Yaraloidea (Marsupialia, Peramelemorphia), a new superfamily of marsupial and a description and analysis of the cranium of the Miocene Yarala burchfieldi. Journal of Paleontology 74(3):512-523.
Yaralidae Muirhead, 2000 Muirhead, J. 2000. Yaraloidea (Marsupialia, Peramelemorphia), a new superfamily of marsupial and a description and analysis of the cranium of the Miocene Yarala burchfieldi. Journal of Paleontology 74(3):512-523.

Fossiele geslachten

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Naam Auteur Referentie Commentaar
Allorattus Qiu & Storch, 2000 Qiu, Z.-D. & Storch, G. 2000. The early Pliocene micromammalian fauna of Bilike, Inner Mongolia, China (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Lagomorpha). Senckenbergiana Lethaea 80(1):173-229.
Antilohyrax Rasmussen & Simons, 2000 Rasmussen, D.T. & Simons, E.L. 2000. Ecomorphological diversity among Paleogene hyracoids (Mammalia): a new species of cursorial browser from the Fayum, Egypt. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20:167–176.
Ashoroa Inuzuka, 2000 Inuzuka, N. 2000. Primitive late Oligocene desmostylians from Japan and Phylogeny of the Desmostylia. Bulletin of the Ashoro Museum of Paleontology 1:91-123.
Attockicetus Thewissen & Hussain, 2000 Thewissen,J.G.M. & Hussain, S.T. 2000. Attockicetus praecursor, a new remingtonocetid cetacean from marine Eocene sediments of Pakistan. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 7(3):133-146.
Boltimys Sénégas & Michaux, 2000 Sénégas, F. & Michaux, J. 2000. Boltimys broomi gen. nov. (Rodentia, Mammalia), nouveau Muridae d'affinité incertaine du Pliocène inférieur d'Afrique du Sud. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Sciences de la Terre et des planètes 330:521-525.
Bugtirhinus Antoine & Welcomme, 2000 Antoine,P.-O. & Welcomme,J.-L. 2000. A new rhinoceros from the lower Miocene of the Bugti Hills, Baluchistan, Pakistan: the earliest elasmotheriine. Palaeontology 43(5):795-816.
Bunobrontops Holroyd & Ciochon, 2000 Holroyd, P.A. & Ciochon, R.L. 2000. Bunobrontops savagei: a new genus and species of brontotheriid perissodactyl from the Eocene Pondaung fauna of Myanmar. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(2):408–410.
Calchaquitherium Nassif, Musalem & Cerdeño, 2000 Nasif, N.L., Musalem, S. & Cerdeño, E. 2000. A new toxodont from the late Miocene of Catamarca, Argentina, and a phylogenetic analysis of the Toxodontidae. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(3):591-600.
Comodon Kretzoi & Kretzoi, 2000 Kretzoi, M. & Kretzoi, M. 2000. Fossilium Catalogus 1: Animalia. Pars 137—Index Generum et Subgenerum Mammalium. 726 pp. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
Durudawiri Crosby & Archer, 2000 Crosby, K. & Archer, M. 2000. Durudawirines, a new group of phalangeroid marsupials from the Miocene of Riversleigh, northwestern Queensland. Journal of Paleontology 74(2):327-335.
Escavadodon Rose & Lucas, 2000 Rose, K.D. & Lucas, S.G. 2000. An early Paleocene palaeanodont (Mammalia, ?Pholidota) from New Mexico, and the origin of Palaeanodonta. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(1):139-156.
Hsanotherium Ducrocq, Soe, Bo, Benammi, Tun & Jaeger, 2000 Ducrocq, S., Soe, A.N., Bo, B., Benammi, M., Tun, T. & Jaeger, J.-J. 2000. First record of an Anthracobunidae (Mammalia, ?Tethytheria) from the Eocene of the Pondaung Formation, Myanmar. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie II. Sciences de la Terre et des planetes 330:725-730.
Karstala Czaplewski & Morgan, 2000 Czaplewski, N.J. & Morgan, G.S. 2000. A new verspertilionid bat (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from the early Miocene (Hemingfordian) of Florida, USA. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(4): 736-742.
Karydomys Theocharopoulos, 2000 Theocharopoulos, C.D. 2000. Late Oligocene–middleMiocene Democricetodon, Spanocricetodon and Karydomys n. gen. from the eastern Mediterranean area. Gaia 8:i-xix+1-92.
Kutchicetus Bajpai & Thewissen, 2000 Bajpai, S. & Thewissen, J.G.M. 2000. A new, diminutive Eocene whale from Kachchh (Gujarat, India) and its implications for locomotor evolution. Current Science 79(10):1478-1482.
Litodonomys Wang & Qiu, 2000 Wang, B.Y. & Qiu,Z.X. 2000. Dipodidae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the lower member of Xianshuihe Formation in Lanzhou Basin, Gansu, China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 38:10–35.
Mutpuracinus Murray & Megirian, 2000 Murray, P. & Megirian, D. 2000. Two new genera and three new species of Thylacinidae (Marsupialia) from the Miocene of the Northern Territory, Australia. The Beagle, Records of the Museum and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory 16:145-162.
Numatophocoena Ichishima & Kimura, 2000 Ichishima, H. & Kimura, T. 2000. A new fossil porpoise (Cetacea; Delphinoidea; Phocoenidae) from the Early Pliocene Horokaoshirarika Formation, Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(3):561-576.
Orangictis Morales, Pickford, Salesa & Soria, 2000 Morales, J., Pickford, M., Salesa, M. & Soria, D. 2000. The systematic status of Kelba, Savage, 1965, Kenyalutra, Schmidt-Kittler, 1987 and Ndamathaia, Jacobs et al., 1987, (Viverridae, Mammalia) and a review of Early Miocene mongoose-like carnivores of Africa. Annales de Paléontologie 86 (4): 243-251.
Proargyrohyrax Hitz, Reguero, Wyss & Flynn, 2000 Hitz, R., Reguero, M., Wyss, A.R. & Flynn, J.J. 2000. New interatheriines (Interatheriidae, Notoungulata) from the Paleogene of Central Chile and Southern Argentina. Fieldiana: Geology (New Series) 42:1-26.
Prospermophilus Qiu & Storch, 2000 Qiu, Z. & Storch, G. 2000. The early Pliocene Micromammalian Fauna of Bilike, Inner Mongolia, China (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Lagomorpha). Senckenbergiana lethaea 80(1):173-229.
Pseudodiplacodon Mader, 2000 Mader, B.J. 2000. Pseudodiplacodon, a new generic name for Diplacodon progressum Peterson (Mammalia, Perissodactyla, Brontotheriidae). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(1):164-166.
Santiagorothia Hitz, Reguero, Wyss & Flynn, 2000 Hitz, R., Reguero, M., Wyss, A.R. & Flynn, J.J. 2000. New interatheriines (Interatheriidae, Notoungulata) from the Paleogene of Central Chile and Southern Argentina. Fieldiana: Geology (New Series) 42:1-26.
Simoclaenus De Muizon & Cifelli, 2000 de Muizon, C. & Cifelli, R.L. 2000. The “condylarths” (archaic Ungulata, Mammalia) from the early Palaeocene of Tiupampa (Bolivia): implications on the origin of the South American ungulates. Geodiversitas 22:47–150.
Sinozapus Qiu & Storch, 2000 Qiu, Z. & Storch, G. 2000. The early Pliocene Micromammalian Fauna of Bilike, Inner Mongolia, China (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Lagomorpha). Senckenbergiana lethaea 80(1):173-229.
Tafimys Ortiz, Pardiñas & Steppan, 2000 Ortiz, P.E., Pardiñas, U.F.J. & Steppan, S.J. 2000. A new fossil phyllotine (Rodentia: Muridae) from northwestern Argentina and relationships of the Reithrodon group. Journal of Mammalogy 81(1):37-51, Feb 2000.
Tyarrpecinus Murray & Megirian, 2000 Murray, P. & Megirian, D. 2000. Two new genera and three new species of Thylacinidae (Marsupialia) from the Miocene of the Northern Territory, Australia. The Beagle, Records of the Museum and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory 16:145-162.
Valenia De Muizon & Cifelli, 2000 de Muizon, C. & Cifelli, R.L. 2000. The “condylarths” (archaic Ungulata, Mammalia) from the early Palaeocene of Tiupampa (Bolivia): implications on the origin of the South American ungulates. Geodiversitas 22:47–150.
Widanelfarasia Seiffert & Simons, 2000 Seiffert, E.R. & Simons, E.L. 2000. Widanelfarasia, a diminutive placental from the late Eocene of Egypt. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97(6)2646-2651.
Xenosmilus Martin, Babiarz, Naples & Hearst, 2000 Martin, L.D., Babiarz, J.P., Naples, V.L. & Hearst, J. 2000. Three ways to be a saber-toothed cat. Naturwissenschaften 87 (1): 41-44.
Zhailimeryx Guo, Dawson & Beard, 2000 Guo, J., Dawson, M.R. & Beard, K.C. 2000. Zhailimeryx, a new lophiomerycid artiodactyl (Mammalia) from the late middle Eocene of central China and the early evolution of ruminants. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 7(4):239-258.

Fossiele soorten

[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]
Naam Auteur Referentie Commentaar
Acratocnus ye MacPhee, White & Woods, 2000 MacPhee, R.D.E., White, J.L. & Woods, C.A. 2000. New megalonychid sloths (Phyllophaga, Xenarthra) from the Quaternary of Hispaniola. American Museum Novitates 3303:1-32, 16 October 2000.
Allorattus engesseri Qiu & Storch, 2000 Qiu, Z.-D. & Storch, G. 2000. The early Pliocene micromammalian fauna of Bilike, Inner Mongolia, China (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Lagomorpha). Senckenbergiana Lethaea 80(1):173-229.
Antilohyrax pectidens Rasmussen & Simons, 2000 Rasmussen, D.T. & Simons, E.L. 2000. Ecomorphological diversity among Paleogene hyracoids (Mammalia): a new species of cursorial browser from the Fayum, Egypt. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20:167–176.
Apodemus lii Qiu & Storch, 2000 Qiu, Z.-D. & Storch, G. 2000. The early Pliocene micromammalian fauna of Bilike, Inner Mongolia, China (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Lagomorpha). Senckenbergiana Lethaea 80(1):173-229.
Aratomys bilikeensis Qiu & Storch, 2000 Qiu, Z. & Storch, G. 2000. The early Pliocene Micromammalian Fauna of Bilike, Inner Mongolia, China (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Lagomorpha). Senckenbergiana lethaea 80(1):173-229.
Arcius zbyszewskii Estravís, 2000 Estravís, C. 2000. Nuevos mamíferos del Eoceno Inferior de Silveirinha (Baixo Mondego, Portugal). Coloquios de Paleontología 51:281-311.
Ashoroa laticosta Inuzuka, 2000 Inuzuka, N. 2000. Primitive late Oligocene desmostylians from Japan and Phylogeny of the Desmostylia. Bulletin of the Ashoro Museum of Paleontology 1:91-123.
Attockicetus praecursor Thewissen & Hussain, 2000 Thewissen,J.G.M. & Hussain, S.T. 2000. Attockicetus praecursor, a new remingtonocetid cetacean from marine Eocene sediments of Pakistan. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 7(3):133-146.
Balbaroo fangaroo Cooke, 2000 Cooke, B.N. 2000. Cranial Remains of a New Species of Balbarine Kangaroo (Marsupialia: Macropodoidea) from the Oligo-Miocene Freshwater Limestone Deposits of Riversleigh World Heritage Area, Northern Australia. Journal of Paleontology 74(2):317-326.
Baluchimys karbiense Marivaux, Benammia, Ducrocq, Jaeger & Chaimanee, 2000 Marivaux, L., Benammia, M., Ducrocq, S., Jaeger, J.-J. & Chaimanee, Y. 2000. A new baluchimyine rodent from the Late Eocene of the Krabi Basin (Thailand): palaeobiogeographic and biochronologic implications. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences 331 (6): 427-433.
Behemotops katsuiei Inuzuka, 2000 Inuzuka, N. 2000. Primitive late Oligocene desmostylians from Japan and Phylogeny of the Desmostylia. Bulletin of the Ashoro Museum of Paleontology 1:91-123.
Boltimys broomi Sénégas & Michaux, 2000 Sénégas, F. & Michaux, J. 2000. Boltimys broomi gen. nov. (Rodentia, Mammalia), nouveau Muridae d'affinité incertaine du Pliocène inférieur d'Afrique du Sud. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Sciences de la Terre et des planètes 330:521-525.
Bransatoglis attenuatus Pelaez-Campomanes, 2000 Peláez-Campomanes, P. 2000. Mammalian faunas from the Paleogene of the Sierra Palomera (Teruel, Spain). Journal of Paleontology 74(2):336-348.
Bugtirhinus praecursor Antoine & Welcomme, 2000 Antoine,P.-O. & Welcomme,J.-L. 2000. A new rhinoceros from the lower Miocene of the Bugti Hills, Baluchistan, Pakistan: the earliest elasmotheriine. Palaeontology 43(5):795-816.
Bunobrontops savagei Holroyd & Ciochon, 2000 Holroyd, P.A. & Ciochon, R.L. 2000. Bunobrontops savagei: a new genus and species of brontotheriid perissodactyl from the Eocene Pondaung fauna of Myanmar. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(2):408–410.
Calchaquitherium mixtum Nassif, Musalem & Cerdeño, 2000 Nasif, N.L., Musalem, S. & Cerdeño, E. 2000. A new toxodont from the late Miocene of Catamarca, Argentina, and a phylogenetic analysis of the Toxodontidae. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(3):591-600.
Chardinomys bilikeensis Qiu & Storch, 2000 Qiu, Z.-D. & Storch, G. 2000. The early Pliocene micromammalian fauna of Bilike, Inner Mongolia, China (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Lagomorpha). Senckenbergiana Lethaea 80(1):173-229.
Daulestes nessovi McKenna,Kielan-Jaworowska & Meng, 2000 McKenna, M.C., Kielan_Jaworoska, K. & Meng, J. 2000), Earliest eutherian mammal skull from the Late Cretaceous (Coniacian) of Uzbekistan. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 45(1):1-54. Uchkudukodon nessovi Archibald & Averianov, 2006
Desmanella rietscheli Storch & Dahlmann, 2000 Storch, G. & Dahlmann, T. 2000. Desmanella rietscheli, ein neuer Talpide aus dem Obermiozän von Dorn-Dürkheim 1, Rheinhessen (Mammalia, Lipotyphla). Carolinea 58:65-69.
Diceros australis Guérin, 2000 Guérin, C. 2000. The Neogene rhinoceroses of Namibia. Palaeontologia Africana 36:119–138.
Donrussellia lusitanica Estravís, 2000 Estravís, C. 2000. Nuevos mamíferos del Eoceno Inferior de Silveirinha (Baixo Mondego, Portugal). Coloquios de Paleontología 51:281-311.
Durudawiri inusitatus Crosby & Archer, 2000 Crosby, K. & Archer, M. 2000. Durudawirines, a new group of phalangeroid marsupials from the Miocene of Riversleigh, northwestern Queensland. Journal of Paleontology 74(2):327-335.
Escavadodon zygus Rose & Rose, 2000 Rose, K.D. & Lucas, S.G. 2000. An early Paleocene palaeanodont (Mammalia, ?Pholidota) from New Mexico, and the origin of Palaeanodonta. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(1):139-156.
Hainina pyrenaica Peláez-Campomanes, López-Martinez, Álvarez-Sierra & Daams, 2000 Peláez-Campomanes, P., López-Martínez, N., Álvarez-Sierra, M.A. & Daams, R. 2000. The earliest mammal of the European Paleocene: the multituberculate Hainina. Journal of Paleontology 74(4):701-711.
Hainina vianeyae Peláez-Campomanes, López-Martinez, Álvarez-Sierra & Daams, 2000 Peláez-Campomanes, P., López-Martínez, N., Álvarez-Sierra, M.A. & Daams, R. 2000. The earliest mammal of the European Paleocene: the multituberculate Hainina. Journal of Paleontology 74(4):701-711.
Hemicyon mayorali Astibia, Morales & Ginsburg, 2000 Astibia, H., Morales, J. & Ginsburg, L. 2000. Hemicyon mayorali nov. sp., an Ursidae from the Middle Miocene of Tarazona de Aragon (Ebre basin, Spain). Annales de Paleontologie 86 (1): 69-79.
Heterosminthus firmus Lopatin & Zazhigin, 2000 Lopatin, A.V. & Zazhigin, V.S. 2000. The history of the Dipodoidea (Rodentia, Mammalia) in the Miocene of Asia: 2. Zapodidae. Paleontological Journal 34:449–454.
Heterosminthus lanzhouensis Wang & Qiu, 2000 Wang, B.Y. & Qiu,Z.X. 2000. Dipodidae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the lower member of Xianshuihe Formation in Lanzhou Basin, Gansu, China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 38:10–35.
Heterosminthus mongoliensis Lopatin & Zazhigin, 2000 Lopatin, A.V. & Zazhigin, V.S. 2000. The history of the Dipodoidea (Rodentia, Mammalia) in the Miocene of Asia: 2. Zapodidae. Paleontological Journal 34:449–454.
Heterosminthus mugodzharicus Lopatin & Zazhigin, 2000 Lopatin, A.V. & Zazhigin, V.S. 2000. The history of the Dipodoidea (Rodentia, Mammalia) in the Miocene of Asia: 2. Zapodidae. Paleontological Journal 34:449–454.
Hexaprotodon lothagamensis Weston, 2000 Weston, E.M. 2000. A new species of hippopotamus Hexaprotodon lothagamensis (Mammalia: Hippopotamidae) from the Late Miocene of Kenya. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(1):177-185.
Hsanotherium parvum Ducrocq, Soe, Bo, Benammi, Tun & Jaeger, 2000 Ducrocq, S., Soe, A.N., Bo, B., Benammi, M., Tun, T. & Jaeger, J.-J. 2000. First record of an Anthracobunidae (Mammalia, ?Tethytheria) from the Eocene of the Pondaung Formation, Myanmar. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie II. Sciences de la Terre et des planetes 330:725-730.
Hydrochoerus gaylordi MacPhee, Singer & Diamond, 2000 MacPhee, R.D.E., Singer, R. & Diamond, M. 2000. Late Cenozoic land mammals from Grenada, Lesser Antilles Island-Arc. American Museum Novitates 3302:1-20.
Karstala silva Czaplewski & Morgan, 2000 Czaplewski, N.J. & Morgan, G.S. 2000. A new verspertilionid bat (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from the early Miocene (Hemingfordian) of Florida, USA. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(4): 736-742.
Karydomys boskosi Theocharopoulos, 2000 Theocharopoulos, C.D. 2000. Late Oligocene–middleMiocene Democricetodon, Spanocricetodon and Karydomys n. gen. from the eastern Mediterranean area. Gaia 8:i-xix+1-92.
Karydomys symeonedisi Theocharopoulos, 2000 Theocharopoulos, C.D. 2000. Late Oligocene–middleMiocene Democricetodon, Spanocricetodon and Karydomys n. gen. from the eastern Mediterranean area. Gaia 8:i-xix+1-92.
Kowalskia zhengi Qiu & Storch, 2000 Qiu, Z.-D. & Storch, G. 2000. The early Pliocene micromammalian fauna of Bilike, Inner Mongolia, China (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Lagomorpha). Senckenbergiana Lethaea 80(1):173-229.
Kutchicetus minimus Bajpai & Thewissen, 2000 Bajpai, S. & Thewissen, J.G.M. 2000. A new, diminutive Eocene whale from Kachchh (Gujarat, India) and its implications for locomotor evolution. Current Science 79(10):1478-1482.
Leptarctus martini Lim & Miao, 2000 Lim,J.-D. & Miao,D.-S. 2000. New species of Leptarctus (Carnivora, Mustelidae) from the Miocene of Nebraska, USA. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 38(1):52-57.
Litodonomys huangheensis Wang & Qiu, 2000 Wang, B.Y. & Qiu,Z.X. 2000. Dipodidae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the lower member of Xianshuihe Formation in Lanzhou Basin, Gansu, China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 38:10–35.
Marmota korthi Kelly, 2000 Kelly, T.S. 2000. A new Hemphillian (Late Miocene) mammalian fauna from Hoye Canyon, west central Nevada. Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 481:1-21.
Megalocnus zile MacPhee, White & Woods, 2000 MacPhee, R.D.E., White, J.L. & Woods, C.A. 2000. New megalonychid sloths (Phyllophaga, Xenarthra) from the Quaternary of Hispaniola. American Museum Novitates 3303:1-32, 16 October 2000.
Megantereon ekidoit Werdelin & Lewis, 2000 Werdelin, L. & Lewis, M.E. 2000. Carnivora from the South Turkwel hominid site, northern Kenya. Journal of Paleontology 74(6):1173-1180.
Meldimys cardosoi Estravís, 2000 Estravís, C. 2000. Nuevos mamíferos del Eoceno Inferior de Silveirinha (Baixo Mondego, Portugal). Coloquios de Paleontología 51:281-311.
Mimomys (Aratomys) bilikeensis Qiu & Storch, 2000 Qiu, Z. & Storch, G. 2000. The early Pliocene micromammalian fauna of Bilike, Inner Mongolia, China (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Lagomorpha). In Storch, G. & Weddige, K. (eds.). Advances in vertebrate paleontology. Special issue of Senckenbergiana Lethaea 80:173-229.
Mioeuoticus shipmani Phillips & Walker, 2000 Phillips, E.M. & Walker, A. 2000. A new species of fossil lorisid from the miocene of east africa. Primates. 41 (45):367-372.
Mutpuracinus archibaldi Murray & Megirian, 2000 Murray, P. & Megirian, D. 2000. Two new genera and three new species of Thylacinidae (Marsupialia) from the Miocene of the Northern Territory, Australia. The Beagle, Records of the Museum and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory 16:145-162.
Neocnus dousman MacPhee, White & Woods, 2000 MacPhee, R.D.E., White, J.L. & Woods, C.A. 2000. New megalonychid sloths (Phyllophaga, Xenarthra) from the Quaternary of Hispaniola. American Museum Novitates 3303:1-32, 16 October 2000.
Neocnus toupiti MacPhee, White & Woods, 2000 MacPhee, R.D.E., White, J.L. & Woods, C.A. 2000. New megalonychid sloths (Phyllophaga, Xenarthra) from the Quaternary of Hispaniola. American Museum Novitates 3303:1-32, 16 October 2000.
Nimbacinus richi Murray & Megirian, 2000 Murray, P. & Megirian, D. 2000. Two new genera and three new species of Thylacinidae (Marsupialia) from the Miocene of the Northern Territory, Australia. The Beagle, Records of the Museum and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory 16:145-162.
Orangictis gariepensis Morales, Pickford, Salesa & Soria, 2000 Morales, J., Pickford, M., Salesa, M. & Soria, D. 2000. The systematic status of Kelba, Savage, 1965, Kenyalutra, Schmidt-Kittler, 1987 and Ndamathaia, Jacobs et al., 1987, (Viverridae, Mammalia) and a review of Early Miocene mongoose-like carnivores of Africa. Annales de Paléontologie 86 (4): 243-251.
Orientalomys sinensis Qiu & Storch, 2000 Qiu, Z.-D. & Storch, G. 2000. The early Pliocene micromammalian fauna of Bilike, Inner Mongolia, China (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Lagomorpha). Senckenbergiana Lethaea 80(1):173-229.
Patriocetus kazakhstanicus Dubrovo & Sanders, 2000 Dubrovo, I.A. & Sanders, A.E. 2000. A new species of Patriocetus (Mamammalia, Cetacea) from the Late Oligocene of Kazakstan. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(3):577-590.
Petenyia katrinae Qiu & Storch, 2000 Qiu, Z. & Storch, G. 2000. The early Pliocene Micromammalian Fauna of Bilike, Inner Mongolia, China (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Lagomorpha). Senckenbergiana lethaea 80(1):173-229.
Plagiolophus huerzeleri Remy, 2000 Remy, J.A. 2000. Plagiolophus huerzeleri, une nouvelle espèce de Palaeotheriidae (Perissodactyla, Mammalia) d'Oligocène inférieur (Rupélien, MP 23) à Murs (Vaucluse, France). Geobios 33(4):489-503.
Proargyrohyrax curanderensis Hitz, Reguero, Wyss & Flynn, 2000 Hitz, R., Reguero, M., Wyss, A.R. & Flynn, J.J. 2000. New interatheriines (Interatheriidae, Notoungulata) from the Paleogene of Central Chile and Southern Argentina. Fieldiana: Geology (New Series) 42:1-26.
Prokennalestes abramovi Averianov & Skutschas, 2000 Averianov, A.O. & Skutschas, P.P. 2000a. The oldest placental mammal [in Russian]. Doklady Akademii Nauk 374: 130-132. Murtoilestes abramovi Averianov & Skutschas, 2001
Pronotolagus nevadensis Kelly, 2000 Kelly, T.S. 2000. A new Hemphillian (Late Miocene) mammalian fauna from Hoye Canyon, west central Nevada. Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 481:1-21.
Santiagorothia chiliensis Hitz, Reguero, Wyss & Flynn, 2000 Hitz, R., Reguero, M., Wyss, A.R. & Flynn, J.J. 2000. New interatheriines (Interatheriidae, Notoungulata) from the Paleogene of Central Chile and Southern Argentina. Fieldiana: Geology (New Series) 42:1-26.
Siamotherium pondaungense Aung & Benammi & Bo & Chaimanee & Ducrocq & Jaeger & Soe & Thein & Tun, 2000
Sicista wangi Qiu & Storch, 2000 Qiu, Z. & Storch, G. 2000. The early Pliocene Micromammalian Fauna of Bilike, Inner Mongolia, China (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Lagomorpha). Senckenbergiana lethaea 80(1):173-229.
Simoclaenus sylvaticus de Muizon & Cifelli, 2000 de Muizon, C. & Cifelli, R.L. 2000. The “condylarths” (archaic Ungulata, Mammalia) from the early Palaeocene of Tiupampa (Bolivia): implications on the origin of the South American ungulates. Geodiversitas 22:47–150.
Sinocricetus progressus Qui & Storch, 2000 Qiu, Z.-D. & Storch, G. 2000. The early Pliocene micromammalian fauna of Bilike, Inner Mongolia, China (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Lagomorpha). Senckenbergiana Lethaea 80(1):173-229.
Sinozapus volkeri Qiu & Storch, 2000 Qiu, Z. & Storch, G. 2000. The early Pliocene Micromammalian Fauna of Bilike, Inner Mongolia, China (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Lagomorpha). Senckenbergiana lethaea 80(1):173-229.
Sulimskia ziegleri Qiu & Storch, 2000 Qiu, Z. & Storch, G. 2000. The early Pliocene Micromammalian Fauna of Bilike, Inner Mongolia, China (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Lagomorpha). Senckenbergiana lethaea 80(1):173-229.
Tafimys powelli Ortiz, Pardiñas & Steppan, 2000 Ortiz, P.E., Pardiñas, U.F.J. & Steppan, S.J. 2000. A new fossil phyllotine (Rodentia: Muridae) from northwestern Argentina and relationships of the Reithrodon group. Journal of Mammalogy 81(1):37-51, Feb 2000.
Tapochoerus mcmillini Walsh, 2000 Walsh, S.L. 2000. Bunodont artiodactyls (Mammalia) from the Uintan (middle Eocene) of San Diego County, California. Proceedings of the San Diego Society of Natural History 37:1-27.
Thylamys pinei Goin & Montalvo & Visconti, 2000 Goin, F.J., Montalvo, C.I. & Visconti, G. 2000. Los marsupiales (Mammalia) del Mioceno superior de la formacion Cerro Azul (Provincia de La Pampa, Argentina). Estudios Geol. 56:101-126.
Tiuclaenus cotasi De Muizon & Cifelli, 2000 de Muizon, C. & Cifelli, R.L. 2000. The “condylarths” (archaic Ungulata, Mammalia) from the early Palaeocene of Tiupampa (Bolivia): implications on the origin of the South American ungulates. Geodiversitas 22:47–150.
Tiuclaenus robustus De Muizon & Cifelli, 2000 de Muizon, C. & Cifelli, R.L. 2000. The “condylarths” (archaic Ungulata, Mammalia) from the early Palaeocene of Tiupampa (Bolivia): implications on the origin of the South American ungulates. Geodiversitas 22:47–150.
Treposciurus manentis Peláez-Campomanes, 2000 Peláez-Campomanes, P. 2000. Mammalian faunas from the Paleogene of the Sierra Palomera (Teruel, Spain). Journal of Paleontology 74(2):336-348.
Trischizolagus mirificus Qiu & Storch, 2000 Qiu, Z. & Storch, G. 2000. The early Pliocene Micromammalian Fauna of Bilike, Inner Mongolia, China (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Lagomorpha). Senckenbergiana lethaea 80(1):173-229.
Tyarrpecinus rothi Murray & Megirian, 2000 Murray, P. & Megirian, D. 2000. Two new genera and three new species of Thylacinidae (Marsupialia) from the Miocene of the Northern Territory, Australia. The Beagle, Records of the Museum and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory 16:145-162.
Widanelfarasia bowni Seiffert & Simons, 2000 Seiffert, E.R. & Simons, E.L. 2000. Widanelfarasia, a diminutive placental from the late Eocene of Egypt. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97(6)2646-2651.
Widanelfarasia rasmusseni Seiffert & Simons, 2000 Seiffert, E.R. & Simons, E.L. 2000. Widanelfarasia, a diminutive placental from the late Eocene of Egypt. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97(6)2646-2651.
Xenosmilus hodsonae Martin, Babiarz, Naples & Hearst, 2000 Martin, L.D., Babiarz, J.P., Naples, V.L. & Hearst, J. 2000. Three ways to be a saber-toothed cat. Naturwissenschaften 87 (1): 41-44.
Zhailimeryx jingweni Guo, Dawson & Beard, 2000 Guo, J., Dawson, M.R. & Beard, K.C. 2000. Zhailimeryx, a new lophiomerycid artiodactyl (Mammalia) from the late middle Eocene of central China and the early evolution of ruminants. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 7(4):239-258.
Zygolestes reigi Goin, Montalvo & Visconti, 2000 Goin, F.J., Montalvo, C.I. & Visconti, G. 2000. Los marsupiales (Mammalia) del Mioceno superior de la formacion Cerro Azul (Provincia de La Pampa, Argentina). Estudios Geol. 56:101-126.

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Juliomys González, 2000 González, E.M. 2000. Un nuevo genero do roedor sigmodontino de Argentina y Brazil (Mammalia: Rodentia: Sigmodontinae). Comunicaciones Zoologicas del Museo de Historia Natural de Montevideo 12:1-12.
Pipanacoctomys Mares & Braun & Barquez & Diaz, 2000 Mares, M. A., Braun, J.K., Barquez, R.M., & Diaz, M.M. Two new genera and species of halophytic desert mammals from isolated salt flats in Argentina. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University, 203:1-27, 22 December 2000.
Salinoctomys Mares & Braun & Barquez & Diaz, 2000 Mares, M. A., Braun, J.K., Barquez, R.M., & Diaz, M.M. Two new genera and species of halophytic desert mammals from isolated salt flats in Argentina. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University, 203:1-27, 22 December 2000.
Tapecomys Anderson & Yates, 2000 Anderson, S. & Yates, T.L. 2000 A new genus and species of phyllotine rodent from Bolivia. Journal of Mammalogy 81(1):18-36, Feb 2000.
Grayium Kretzoi & Kretzoi, 2000 Een synoniem van Marmosa.

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Cryptomustela Abramov, 2000 Abramov, A.V. 2000. A taxonomic review of the genus Mustela (Mammalia, Carnivora). Zoosystematica Rossica 8(2):357-364.

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Naam Auteur Referentie Commentaar
Akodon oenos Braun & Mares & Ojeda, 2000 Braun, J.K., Mares, M.A. & Ojeda, R.A. 2000. A new species of grass mouse, genus Akodon (Muridae: Sigmodontinae), from Mendoza Province, Argentina. Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 65:216-225.
Akodon paranaensis Christoff, Fagundes, Sbalqueiro, Mattevi & Yonenaga-Yassuda, 2000 Christoff, A.U., Fagundes, V., Sbalqueiro, I.J., Mattevi, M.S. & Yonenaga-Yassuda, Y. 2000. Description of a new species of Akodon (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) from southern Brazil. Journal of Mammalogy 81(3):838-851, 2000.
Amblysomus robustus Bronner, 2000 Bronner, G.N. 2000. New species and subspecies of golden mole (Chrysochloridae: Amblysomus) from Mpumalanga, South Africa. Mammalia 64:41-54.
Antechinus subtropicus Van Dyck & Crowther, 2000 Van Dyck, S. & Crowther, M.S. 2000. Reassessment of northern representatives of the Antechinus stuartii complex (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae): A. subtropicus sp. nov. and A. adustus new status. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, vol. 45, part 2, pp. 611-635.
Avahi unicolor Thalmann & Geissmann, 2000 Thalmann, U. & Geissmann, T. 2000. Distribution and Geographic Variation in the Western Woolly Lemur (Avahi occidentalis) with Description of a New Species (A. unicolor). International Journal of Primatology 21(6):915-941.
Brucepattersonius guarani Mares & Braun, 2000 Mares, M.A. & Braun, J.K. 2000. Three new species of Brucepattersonius (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) from Misiones Province, Argentina. Occasional Papers of the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History 9:1-13, 1 February 2000.
Brucepattersonius misionensis Mares & Braun, 2000 Mares, M.A. & Braun, J.K. 2000. Three new species of Brucepattersonius (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) from Misiones Province, Argentina. Occasional Papers of the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History 9:1-13, 1 February 2000.
Brucepattersonius paradisus Mares & Braun, 2000 Mares, M.A. & Braun, J.K. 2000. Three new species of Brucepattersonius (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) from Misiones Province, Argentina. Occasional Papers of the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History 9:1-13, 1 February 2000.
Cheirogaleus minusculus Groves, 2000 Groves, C.P. 2000. The Genus Cheirogaleus: Unrecognized Biodiversity in Dwarf Lemurs. International Journal of Primatology 21(6):943-962, December 2000.
Cheirogaleus ravus Groves, 2000 Groves, C.P. 2000. The Genus Cheirogaleus: Unrecognized Biodiversity in Dwarf Lemurs. International Journal of Primatology 21(6):943-962, December 2000.
Ctenomys paraguayensis Contreras, 2000 Contreras, J.L. 2000. Ctenomys paraguayensis, una nueva especie de roedor excavador procedentel del Paraguay Oriental (Mammalia, Rodentia, Ctenomyidae). Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, n.s., 2(1):61-68, 2000.
Lophuromys angolensis Verheyen & Dierckx & Hulselmans, 2000 Verheyen, W.N., Dierckx, T. & Hulselmans, J. 2000. The brush-furred rats of Angola and southern Rep. Congo: description of a new taxon of the Lophuromy sikapusi species complex. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique: Biologie 70:253-267.
Mesomys occultus Patton & Da Silva & Malcolm, 2000 Patton, J.L., da Silva, M.N.F. & Malcolm, J.R. 2000. Mammals of the Rio Juruá and the evolutionary and ecological diversification in Amazonia. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 244:1-306.
Mico acariensis Van Roosmalen & Van Roosmalen & Mittermeier & Rylands, 2000 Roosmalen, M.G.M. van, Roosmalen, T. van, Mittermeier, R.A. & Rylands, A.B. 2000. Two new species of marmoset, genus Callithrix Erxleben, 1777 (Callitrichidae, Primates), from the Tapájos/Madeira interfluvium, south central Amazonia, Brazil. Neotropical Primates 8(1):2-19.
Mico manicorensis Van Roosmalen & Van Roosmalen & Mittermeier & Rylands, 2000 Roosmalen, M.G.M. van, Roosmalen, T. van, Mittermeier, R.A. & Rylands, A.B. 2000. Two new species of marmoset, genus Callithrix Erxleben, 1777 (Callitrichidae, Primates), from the Tapájos/Madeira interfluvium, south central Amazonia, Brazil. Neotropical Primates 8(1):2-19.
Microcebus berthae Rasoloarison & Goodman & Ganzhorn, 2000 Rasoloarison, R.M., Goodman, S.M., & Ganzhorn, J.U. 2000. Taxonomic revision of mouse lemurs (Microcebus) in the western portions of Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology. 21(6):963-1019.
Microcebus sambiranensis Rasoloarison & Goodman & Ganzhorn, 2000 Rasoloarison, R.M., Goodman, S.M. & Ganzhorn, J.U. 2000. Taxonomic revision of mouse lemurs (Microcebus) in the western portions of Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology 21(6):963-1019.
Microcebus tavaratra Rasoloarison, Goodman & Ganzhorn, 2000 Rasoloarison, R.M., Goodman, S.M. & Ganzhorn, J.U. 2000. Taxonomic revision of mouse lemurs (Microcebus) in the western portions of Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology 21(6):963-1019.
Myosorex kihaulei Stanley & Hutterer, 2000 Stanley, W.T. & Hutterer, R. 2000. A new species of Myosorex Gray 1832 (Mammalia: Soricidae) from the Eastern Arc mountains, Tanzania. Bonner Zoologische Beitraege 49(1-4):19-29.
Neacomys minutus Patton & Da Silva & Malcolm, 2000 Patton, J.L., da Silva, M.N.F. & Malcolm, J.R. 2000. Mammals of the Rio Juruá and the evolutionary and ecological diversification in Amazonia. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 244:1-306.
Neacomys musseri Patton & Da Silva & Malcolm, 2000 Patton, J.L., da Silva, M.N.F. & Malcolm, J.R. 2000. Mammals of the Rio Juruá and the evolutionary and ecological diversification in Amazonia. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 244:1-306.
Nesolagus timminsi Abramov & Averianov & Tikhinov, 2000 Averianov, A.O., Abramov, A.V. & Tikhonov, A.N. 2000. A new species of Nesolagus (Lagomorpha, Leporidae) from Vietnam with osteological description. Contributions from the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg 3:1-22.
Notiosorex villai Carraway & Timm, 2000 Carraway, L.N. & Timm, R.M. 2000. Revision of the extant taxa of the genus Notiosorex (Mammalia: Insectivora: Soricidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 113:302-318.
Nyctophilus nebulosus Parnaby, 2000 Parnaby, H.E. 2002. A new species of long-eared bat (Nyctophilus: Vespertilionidae) from New Caledonia. Australian Mammalogy 23:115-124.
Ochotona nigritia Gong & Wang & Li, 2000 Gong, Z.-D., Wang, Y.-X., Li, Z.-H., & Li, S.-Q. 2000. A new species of pika Pianma blacked pika Ochotona nigritia (Lagomorpha: Ochotonidae) from Yunnan, China. Zoological Research 21(3):204-209.
Pipanacoctomys aureus Mares & Braun & Barquez & Diaz, 2000 Mares, M. A., Braun, J.K., Barquez, R.M., & Diaz, M.M. Two new genera and species of halophytic desert mammals from isolated salt flats in Argentina. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University, 203:1-27, 22 December 2000.
Plecotus balensis Kruskop & Lavrenchenko, 2000 Kruskop, S.V. & Lavrenchenko, L.A. A new species of long-eared bat (Plecotus; Vespertilionidae, Mammalia) from Ethiopia. Myotis 38:5-17, December 2000.
Pseudantechinus roryi Coopers & Aplin & Adams, 2000 Cooper, N.K., Aplin, K.P. & Adams, M. 2000. A new species of false antechinus (Marsupialia: Dasyuromorphis: Dasyuridae) from the Pilbara region, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 20:115-136.
Rhinolophus maendeleo Kock & Csorba & Howell, 2000 Kock, D., Csorba, G. & Howell, K.M. 2000. Rhinolophus maendeleo n. sp. from Tanzania, a horseshoe bat noteworthy for its systematics and biogeography. Senckenbergiana biologica 80(1-2):233-239.
Rhipidomys gardneri Patton & Da Silva & Malcolm, 2000 Patton, J.L., da Silva, M.N.F. & Malcolm, J.R. 2000. Mammals of the Rio Juruá and the evolutionary and ecological diversification in Amazonia. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 244:1-306.
Salinoctomys loschalchalerosorum Mares & Braun & Barquez & Diaz, 2000 Mares, M. A., Braun, J.K., Barquez, R.M., & Diaz, M.M. Two new genera and species of halophytic desert mammals from isolated salt flats in Argentina. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University, 203:1-27, 22 December 2000.
Tapecomys primus Anderson & Yates, 2000 Anderson, S. & Yates, T.L. 2000 A new genus and species of phyllotine rodent from Bolivia. Journal of Mammalogy 81(1):18-36, Feb 2000.

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Naam Auteur Referentie Commentaar
Arvicola scherman gutsulius Zagorodnyuk, 2000 Zagorodnyuk, I.V. 2000. [Nomenclature and system of genus Arvicola.] Pp. 174-192 in [Species of the fauna of Russia and the contiguous countries. The water vole: Mode of the species.] Moscow: Nauka Publishers, 527 pp. (in Russian).
Calomyscus elburzensis firiusaensis Meyer & Malikov, 2000 Meyer, M.N. & Malikov, V.G. 2000. [New species and subspecies of mouse-like hamsters of the genus Calomyscus (Rodentia, Cricetidae) from southern Turkmenistan.] Zoologischeskii Zhurnal 79(2):219-223 (in Russian, with English summary).
Calomyscus elburzensis zykovi Meyer & Malikov, 2000 Meyer, M.N. & Malikov, V.G. 2000. [New species and subspecies of mouse-like hamsters of the genus Calomyscus (Rodentia, Cricetidae) from southern Turkmenistan.] Zoologischeskii Zhurnal 79(2):219-223 (in Russian, with English summary).
Civettictis civetta pauli Kock & Künzel & Rayale, 2000 Kock, D., Kunzel, T. & Rayaleh, H.A. 2000. The African civet, Civettictis civetta (Schreber, 1776), of Djibouti representing a new subspecies. Senckenbergiana Biologica 80:241-246.
Eothenomys custos ninglangensis Wang & Li, 2000
Eothenomys melanogaster chenduensis Wang & Li, 2000
Eothenomys melanogaster yingjiangensis Wang & Li, 2000
Eothenomys olitor hypolitor Wang, 2000
Euthenomys custos cangshanensis Wang & Li, 2000
Geomys bursarius ozarkensis Elrod, Zimmermann, Sudman & Heidt, 2000 Elrod, D.A., Zimmerman, E.G., Sudman, P.D. & Heidt, G.A. 2000. A new subspecies of pocket gopher (genus Geomys) from the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas with comments on its historical biogeography. Journal of Mammalogy 81(3):852-864.
Glossophaga longirostris maricelae Soriano, Fariñas & Naranjo, 2000 Soriano, P.S., Fariñas, M.R. & Naranjo, M.E. 2000. A new subspecies of Miller's long-tongued bat (Glossophaga longirostris) from a semiarid enclave of the Venezuelan Andes. Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 65(6):369-374.
Mellivora capensis buechneri Baryshnikov, 2000 Baryshnikov, G. 2000. A new subspecies of the honey badger Mellivora capensis from Central Asia. Acta Theriologica 45(1):45-55, March 2000.
Miniopterus schreibersii bassanii Cardinal & Christidis, 2000 Christidis, L. & Cardinal, B.R. 2000. Mitochondrial DNA and morphology reveal three geographically distinct lineages of the large bentwing bat (Miniopterus schreibersii) in Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 48(1):1-19, 16 March 2000.
Myotis mystacinus caucasicus Tsytsulina, 2000 Tsytsulina, K.A. in Benda, P. & Tsytsulina, K.A. 2000. Таксономическая ревизия группы Myotis mystacinus group (Mammalia: Chiroptera) в западной Палеарктике // Taxonomic revision of Myotis mystacinus group (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in the western Palearctic. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem., 64:331-398, 2000.
Myotis mystacinus occidentalis Benda, 2000 Benda, P. in Benda, P. & Tsytsulina, K.A. 2000. Таксономическая ревизия группы Myotis mystacinus group (Mammalia: Chiroptera) в западной Палеарктике // Taxonomic revision of Myotis mystacinus group (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in the western Palearctic. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem., 64:331-398, 2000.
Necromys obscurus scagliarum Galliari & Pardiñas, 2000 Galliari, C.A. & Pardiñas, U.F.J. 2000. Taxonomy and distribution of the sigmodontine rodents of genus Necromys in central Argentina and Uruguay. Acta Theriologica 45(2):211-232, June 2000.
Niviventer cofnucianus yajiangensis Deng & Wang, 2000 Deng, X.-Y., Feng, Q. & Wang, Y.-X. 2000. [Differentiation of subspecies of Chinese white-bellied rat (Niviventer confucianus) in southwestern China with descriptions of two new subspecies.] Zoological Research 5:375-382 (in Chinese, with English abstract).
Niviventer confucianus deqinensis Deng & Wang, 2000 Deng, X.-Y., Feng, Q. & Wang, Y.-X. 2000. [Differentiation of subspecies of Chinese white-bellied rat (Niviventer confucianus) in southwestern China with descriptions of two new subspecies.] Zoological Research 5:375-382 (in Chinese, with English abstract).
Tamias senex pacificus Sutton & Patterson, 2000 Sutton, D.A. & Patterson, B.D. 2000. Geographic variation of the western chipmunks Tamias senex and T. siskiyou, with two new subspecies from California. Journal of Mammalogy 81(2):209-316.
Tamias siskiyou humboldtii Sutton & Patterson, 2000 Sutton, D.A. & Patterson, B.D. 2000. Geographic variation of the western chipmunks Tamias senex and T. siskiyou, with two new subspecies from California. Journal of Mammalogy 81(2):209-316.