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Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie
Laatste reactie: 5 jaar geleden door Lea Lacroix (WMDE) in het onderwerp Wikidata weekly summary #340

Editing News #2—2018

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2 nov 2018 15:15 (CET)


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Beste Mbch331, kun je ook dit zo snel mogelijk afhandelen? Bij voorbaat dank! Paul Brussel (overleg) 2 nov 2018 22:41 (CET)Reageren

5 nov 2018 18:29 (CET)

Wikidata weekly summary #337

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Growth team updates #3

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Welcome to the third newsletter for the new Growth team!  

The Growth team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects.

Two Growth team projects to be deployed in next two weeks

We will be deploying the "Understanding first day" and "Personalized first day" projects on Czech and Korean Wikipedias in the coming weeks. See the new project pages below for full details on the projects, and our project updates page for their progress.

  • Understanding first day: learn about the actions new editors take right after creating their accounts. We will be careful with user privacy, and we hope to share initial results in December.
  • Personalized first day: learn about new editors' objectives by adding some optional questions to the new editor’s registration process, and personalizing their onboarding. We hope to share initial results in December.

Third Growth team project begins

  • Focus on help desk: direct newcomers to the local help desks where they can ask questions to help them make their first edits. We hope to have an initial experiment running in December.

Best practices for helping newcomers

We are going to direct newcomers to help desks. But what's the best way to reply to a newcomer there? We have gathered some best practices for successful interactions, based on community experiences and some external documentation. The page has also been reviewed by some experienced community members who suggested some changes. That page is now open for translations. Comments and suggestions are still welcome!

We are still looking for volunteers

Do you want to participate to our experiments? We are looking for new communities to work with us (especially a new mid-size wiki), and people to become ambassadors to help us to communicate with the different communities. Discover how you can involve yourself or your community.

Also, please share this update with your community and interested people!

Learn more about us

You can visit our team page to find out why our team was formed and how we are thinking about new editors, and our project page for detailed updates on the projects we'll work on.

Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot, 7 nov 2018 14:30 (CET)Give feedbackSubscribe or unsubscribe.Reageren

Wikidata weekly summary #338

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12 nov 2018 20:21 (CET)

20 nov 2018 00:28 (CET)

Wikidata weekly summary #339

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26 nov 2018 23:22 (CET)

Wikidata weekly summary #340

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