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Donald John Trump Jr. (born December 31, 1977) is an American businessman and former reality TV personality. He is the oldest child of the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, and his first wife, Ivana. A fourth generation businessman following in the footsteps of his great-grandmother (who founded what became the Trump Organization) (Elizabeth Trump), grandfather Fred Trump, and father, he currently works alongside his brother Eric as a trustee and executive director of a trust that controls The Trump Organization. The trust was established to oversee all his father's assets during the latter's presidency. Trump Jr. also has been involved in politics, especially during his father's presidential campaign. He has faced criticism following the 2017 revelation of a meeting with a Russian lawyer, with the promise of receiving damaging information about the campaign of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.[2][3][4]

Early life and education[edit] Trump Jr. was born on December 31, 1977 in Manhattan, New York City, to Ivana Marie (née Zelníčková) and Donald John Trump. He has two younger siblings, Ivanka and Eric. He also has two half siblings, Tiffany, from his father's marriage to Marla Maples, and Barron, from his father's current marriage to Melania Trump. Trump Jr. was particularly close to his maternal grandfather and is fluent in Czech.[5] As a child, he encountered reporters asking about his parents' widely publicized divorce. To protect her children, Ivana Trump sent them to boarding school.[6] Trump Jr. was educated at Buckley School[7][8] and The Hill School, a university-preparatory boarding school in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, followed by the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, where he earned a B.S. degree in Economics.[9] Career[edit]

Business[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

After college graduation, Trump moved to Aspen, Colorado. He hunted, fished, skied, lived in a truck, and worked as a bartender for a year before returning to New York and joining the Trump Organization. Trump has supervised building projects, including 40 Wall Street, Trump International Hotel and Tower, and Trump Park Avenue.[6] He appeared as a guest adviser and judge on many episodes of his father's reality television show The Apprentice, from season 5 in 2006 to his father's last season in 2015. On January 11, 2017, his father announced that he and his brother Eric would oversee a trust that included the Trump Organization assets while his father was President, in order to avert a conflict of interest.[10]

Politiek[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Voorafgaand aan de presidentsverkiezing van 2016 voerde Trump Jr. campagne voor zijn vader. De New York Times karaktiseerde hem als een nauw bij zijn vader betrokken politiek adviseur. Het blad meldde ook dat "Donald Jr., Ivanka en Eric Trump - de kinderen uit Trumps eerste huwelijk met Ivana Trump - allen spraken tijdens de Republikeinse Conventie en dat zij sleutelfiguren waren in hun vaders race naar het Witte Huis. Sommige leden van de Trumpcampagne gaven hem de koosnaam "Fredo", een verwijzing naar Fredo Corleone, een fictief maffialid uit de film The Godfather In december 2016 meldden The Wall Street Journal en Politico dat Trump Jr. zijn vaders keuze voor Ryan Zinke als minister van Binnenlandse Zaken had beinvloed.

Russische bemoeienis met Trumpcampagne[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Veselnitskaya bijeenkomst

Op 9 juni 2016 was Trump Jr. deelnemer aan een door de publicist Rob Goldstone belegde bijeenkomst op initiatief van de Russische vastgoedondernemer en vriend van Trump Jr., Emin Ağalarov. De ontmoeting vond plaats in de Trump Tower tussen drie leden van de Trumpcampagne: Trump Jr., Jared Kushner en Paul Manafort- en de Russische advocaat Natalia Veselnitskaya, haar tolk Anatoli Samochornov, de Russisch-Amerikaanse lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin en Ike Kaveladze, de Russisch-Amerikaanse vice-president van de Crocus Group, de maatschappij voor projectontwikkeling geleid door Araz Agalarov.

Ongeveer een jaar later vertelde Trump Jr. de media in eerste instantie dat de adoptie van Russische kinderen het onderwerp van gesprek was geweest. Op 8 juli 2017 tweette hij vervolgens zijn email-correspondentie met Goldstone in poging volledige opening van zaken te geven over de aanleiding van de bespreking. In het bijzonder ging het daarbij ging over de hem beloofde belastende informatie over Hillary Clinton. Het verzamelen van zulke informatie als een legale campagne-activiteit.

Goldstone verklaarde in een van de gepubliceerde e-mails, dat de Russische regering betrokken bij het aanbod betrokken was. Speciale Aanklager Robert Mueller heeft de e-mails en de bijeenkomst van juni 2016 betrokken bij zijn onderzoek naar de mogelijke connectie van de Trumpcampagne met de Russische overheid.

Correspondence between Trump and Wikileaks[edit]

Question book-new.svg This section relies largely or entirely upon a single source. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please help improve this article by introducing citations to additional sources. (November 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)

In November 2017, it was revealed that Julian Assange via the Wikileaks Twitter account corresponded with Donald Trump Jr. during the 2016 presidential election. Trump Jr. had already provided this correspondence to congressional investigators looking into Russian interference in the 2016 election.[22]

The correspondence shows how Wikileaks actively solicited the cooperation of Trump Jr., a campaign surrogate and advisor in the campaign of his father. WikiLeaks urged the Trump campaign to reject the results of the 2016 presidential election at a time when it looked as if the Trump campaign would lose. Wikileaks asked Trump Jr. to share a false claim by Assange that Hillary Clinton had wanted to attack him with drones. Wikileaks also shared a link to a site that would help people to search through Wikileaks documents. Trump Jr. shared both.[22] Other notable activities[edit] In 2011, Trump Jr. responded to criticism of the Tea Party movement by Florida Representative Frederica Wilson by confusing Wilson with California Representative Maxine Waters and saying that her colorful hats made her look like a stripper.[23] During his father's presidential campaign, Trump Jr. drew controversy for posting an image comparing refugees to Skittles, saying "If I had a bowl of skittles and I told you just three would kill you. Would you take a handful? That's our Syrian refugee problem."[12][24][25] The makers of Skittles condemned the tweet, saying "Skittles are candy. Refugees are people. We don't feel it's an appropriate analogy."[25][12] Another controversy arose when Trump Jr. retweeted remarks by psychologist Kevin B. MacDonald about alleged favors exchanged by Hillary Clinton and Switzerland's largest bank (McDonald has been accused of anti-semitism for some of his writings).[12] On the campaign trail, Trump Jr. promoted Alex Jones' conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton wore an earpiece to a presidential forum[26][27][28] and that official unemployment rates were manipulated for political purposes.[29] In September 2016, Trump Jr. cited Holocaust imagery to criticize what he perceived as the mainstream media's seemingly uncritical coverage of Hillary Clinton during her campaign, by "letting her slide on every discrepancy", while also accusing Democrats involved in the 2016 campaign of lying. Trump Jr. said if the Republicans were committing the same offences mainstream outlets would be "...warming up the gas chamber right now."[30][31] Also that month, Trump Jr. shared an image on Instagram depicting a cross between his father and Pepe the Frog. When asked on Good Morning America about Pepe the Frog and its associations with white supremacy, Trump Jr. said he had never heard of Pepe the Frog and thought it was just a "frog with a wig."[32] In March 2017, Trump Jr. criticized the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, after the 2017 Westminster attack, which in turn led British lawmakers to criticize Trump Jr.[33][34][35][36] British journalists said that Trump Jr. had quoted Khan out of context when he criticized him.[35][36] Khan did not respond to the criticism, saying he had "far more important things" to do.[34] In April 2017, he lauded Mike Cernovich who promoted the debunked Pizzagate conspiracy theory, saying, "In a long gone time of unbiased journalism he'd win the Pulitzer".[37][38] In May 2017, Trump Jr. promoted the "long-debunked, far-right conspiracy theory" that Bill Clinton was linked to Vince Foster's death.[39] In November 2017, Trump Jr. again promoted the conspiracy theory that the Clintons murdered people.[40] In September 2017, Trump Jr. asked to have his Secret Service detail removed, telling friends he wanted more privacy. The request was criticized by former Secret Service agents.[41] Trump Jr.'s protection was restored later that month.[42] On October 31, 2017, Trump Jr. tweeted that he would take away half of his three-year old daughter's Halloween candy because, he wrote, it’s never to [sic] early to teach her about socialism."[43] On November 7, 2017, Trump Jr. issued two tweets urging voters in Virginia's gubernatorial election to vote "tomorrow," the day after the election.[44]