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Laatste reactie: 13 jaar geleden door Shustov in het onderwerp Squat
Hallo Shustov, en welkom op de Nederlandstalige Wikipedia!
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Hallo Shustov, ik heb je artikel Seismische techniek ter beoordeling aan de gemeenschap voorgelegd omdat ik het (in deze vorm) niet geschikt acht voor Wikipedia. Wellicht heb je er iets aan om de conventies door te lezen; daar kun je zien hoe een artikel eruit hoort te zien. Zie ook Help:Waarom staat mijn artikel op de verwijderlijst. Je kunt eventueel commentaar achterlaten op de lijst. Onderteken met vier tildes (~~~~). Veel plezier op Wikipedia!

Dear user, your article Seismische techniek has been nominated for deletion, see Wikipedia:Te verwijderen pagina's/Toegevoegd 20090512. As it is, it's a rather mediocre translation of the English article, and I suspect you have used automated tools to obtain this translation. Nevertheless, it seems a very relevant subject, and I hope that you or someone else will be able to get this article up to standards. If not, then I believe this article in its present condition is not suitable for the Dutch language Wikipedia. paul b 12 mei 2009 01:54 (CEST)Reageren

I have made some corrections. Is it better now? Thanks! Shustov 12 mei 2009 22:12 (CEST)Reageren

Squat[brontekst bewerken]

Hi, I think your changes to the article 'squat' are no improvement. It's about the exercise squat, not about dancing and also. The picture in the article gives a good impression of a squat, not a dancing woman who died 75 years ago or a picture you made (you're copyrights) of an older man squatting. It's important that the article is good and people don't make the article there own pov. See the talk/discussionpage (overleg). If you change the article again without using the talk/discussionpage and come to an agreement with the other users, including me, I will ask a moderator to lock the page so nobody can edit it. - Richardkw 12 jul 2010 11:19 (CEST)Reageren

Sorry, it is a considerable improvement while the initial version is both incomplete and misleading. The matter is, the term Squat may apply to various areas of physical activity where the strengthening exercises for bones, muscles and tendons of the lower body are imperative. For this reason, I introduced a gallery of three different photos representing some rather renowned kinds of squatting routine; namely:
1. A snapshot of Josephine Baker, an American-born celebrated French dancer and singer, not just a “woman who died 75 years ago”, as you said (actually, she died in 1975!), who is doing her choreographic squatting exercise.
2. A snapshot of the side-split-squat exercises at a group calisthenics performance aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard.
3. A snapshot of back-squats with a barbell at a fitness workout in a gym.
By the way, the existing article picture entitled “How To Perform The Squat” is a very bad advice for inexperienced readers: squatting like this will inevitably bring them to the knee injuries in the long run.
Shustov 12 jul 2010 23:26 (CEST)Reageren
Ok, sri, maybe it's an idea to put the gallery on the bottom of the article, like in most article's. Then the actual picture can stay. I will change the article. If you don't like it, please tell me over here, I will put your 'overleg' on my followpage. - Richardkw 13 jul 2010 09:52 (CEST)Reageren
On Wikipedia commons is also another picture, where the squat is not deep (for beginners or people with kneeproblems), I will try to put it in the article too. I'll hope the article is better now, with your and my changes. If not, let me know, or change it if you want. - Richardkw 13 jul 2010 16:09 (CEST)Reageren
I like it but you do not tell what picture from Commons you keep in mind. Shustov 13 jul 2010 20:49 (CEST)Reageren
It's the last picture in the gallery on the right. - Richardkw 13 jul 2010 21:16 (CEST)Reageren
Why do we need to keep the same picture twice, both separately and in the gallery? Let's retain the gallery only. Besides, what your idea about changing the introductory portion for something like this:
"Squat is een bekend onderdeel van vele volks dansen. In powerlifting en bodybuilding, en ook in andere sporten, squat is een oefening die versterking spieren, botten en pezen in het onderlichaam. Het wordt vaak uitgevoerd met behulp van barbell en halters."?
Shustov 13 jul 2010 22:02 (CEST)Reageren
It's not the same picture. One is a deep squat and the other parralel (not deep). In most articles there is one picture on top. The information about dancing is already in the introduction, but in better Dutch. Under 'kopje' (don't know the English word) Sporten, there is information about spieren, botten en pezen (almost exactly the words you wrote). I think the squat is better known als weightlifting exercise then as part of (volks)dansen, so I think it's not a good idea to start the first sentence with it. It's now in the third sentence: "De squat is ook een bekend onderdeel van vele dansen en volksdansen." (is also known as part of... ) - Richardkw 13 jul 2010 22:39 (CEST)Reageren
I would not argue on text then. But I remain confused on the "not deep" squat picture you are talking about. Is it the File from the English Wikipedia article by any chance? If so, let's avoid it because both the artist and technique of that squat are not professional! In the correct squat, the knees should always look in the opposite directions (see. e.g., the first and the third photos of the gallery).
Anyway, why shouldn't we follow the pattern of the w:simple:Squat after all? Shustov 14 jul 2010 05:38 (CEST)Reageren
The picture is from the English Wikipedia, but I moved it to Commons. You say that the squat is not correct in that picture, but I think it's your point of view. Maybe you are a teacher or an advanced sportsman, but I also work out and only one man in our gym does the squat like in the gallery. Strongman Cees de Vreugd (r.i.p.) lived in the same village I live in, he squatted 420 kg (almost 1000 pounds). His knees were a little to the left and right, but his legs and knees were not so wide as on the pictures in the gallery. So I think the wide squat with the knees in the opposite directions is good, but that doesn't mean everyone thinks the same. On the overleg (discussion) page, a powerlifter (uers:captain victor) complained about the pictures (a while ago, not this version of the article), but that doesn't mean he is right, but it doesn't mean he is wrong also. I think the article is ok now, there are pictures of different squats, the information is good (also your words are in it: about, spieren, pezen, onderlichaam etc..). With all respect, for me the discussion is closed. I don't see reasons to change it like it is on wikipedia:simple.. - Richardkw 14 jul 2010 13:45 (CEST)Reageren

No problem with your decision on my part. However, just FYI, please compare the numbers below: Kees de Vreugd: born 1952, died 1998, own weight 142 kg, the best squat is 420 kg at the age of 33. The person in the photo: born 1937, in 2010 still alive, own weight 75 kg, the regular squat (once a week) for the last decade is about 250 kg. Drive safely. Shustov 14 jul 2010 18:58 (CEST)Reageren