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Overleg gebruiker:Capmo

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Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie
Laatste reactie: 8 jaar geleden door IJzeren Jan in het onderwerp Nuweg
Hello Capmo, welcome to the Dutch Wikipedia!
Vlag van Nederland Welkomstbericht in het Nederlands
Thank you for participating in this community project. We would like to give you the opportunity to be free and productive. Here are a few directions that might help you:
  • A collection of useful links in English can be found on Help:English.
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  • Wikipedia has been an ongoing project for several years now. There have been discussions on many issues in the past. Please check the discussion pages (overlegpagina's) if you are in doubt about the contents of a given page.
  • If you want to make a careful start editing in Dutch, try to expand some of our stubs (beginnetjes).
  • Take care when editing someone else's work. Registered users can change the name of an article by using "Titel wijzigen". This method of renaming keeps the history (geschiedenis) of a page intact.
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MoiraMoira overleg 30 mei 2010 16:23 (CEST)Reageren

Redirects ivm Diakrieten

[brontekst bewerken]

Je had redirects ivm diakrieten voorgedragen voor nuweg. Het is hier gebruikelijk om dat soort redirects te accepteren. Dit om de vindbaarheid makkelijker te maken. Ik heb je verzoeken dan ook niet gehonoreerd. Mbch331 (Overleg) 21 jun 2014 08:33 (CEST)Reageren

Ik geloof dat Capmo (die het Nederlands niet machtig is) ervan overtuigd is dat de versie zonder diakriet de juiste versie is. Als ik in de 'brontaal' kijk, het Portugees, wordt zijn vermoeden gevolgd. Er zijn echter nog een heel aantal interwiki's die de variant mét diakriet gebruiken. Wellicht kan Capmo een bron aanleveren van een of andere overheidsinstantie die zijn vermoeden bevestigt. Velocitas(↑) 21 jun 2014 16:10 (CEST)Reageren
Velocitas is correct. Boraceia ([1]) en Itaoca ([2]) zijn enkele van de plaatsnamen die zijn veranderd door de Portugese Orthografische akkoord van 1990, dat pas onlangs in werking trad. Alsjeblieft verplaats de artikelen bij de juiste titel. Bedankt, Capmo (overleg) 21 jun 2014 17:26 (CEST)Reageren
Ik zal de artikelen hernoemen, zodat ze zonder diakriet geschreven worden. Heeft u meer van dit soort verzoeken in de toekomst, dan kunt u terecht op WP:AV en daar een onderbouwd verzoek doen. Mbch331 (Overleg) 21 jun 2014 17:29 (CEST)Reageren
Ok, dank je. Capmo (overleg) 21 jun 2014 17:39 (CEST)Reageren


[brontekst bewerken]
Ik benadruk nog maar eens dat het opruimen van redirects die in de weg staan bij een hernoeming dient te gebeuren via de verzoeken tot het verplaatsen van artikelen. Om die reden heb ik de zojuist door u geplaatste {{nuweg}} ongedaan gemaakt. WIKIKLAAS overleg 25 aug 2015 20:26 (CEST)Reageren
Wikiklaas, are you seriously suggesting that I should have remembered the above conversation that took place more than an year ago? :-)
I don't speak Dutch, and hence, looking for a {{delete}} template on your wiki is just the straightforward way for me (and for many others, I suppose) to request a deletion. At the {{delete}} page, which I took care to read, I found the following: "De inhoud van de genomineerde pagina dient te voldoen aan de criteria voor directe verwijdering."
Well, checking the previous link, one reads:
"Een pagina direct verwijderen
U mag als moderator direct een pagina verwijderen onder de volgende voorwaarden:
  • Een pagina verwijderen om technische redenen. Bijvoorbeeld een pagina verwijderen zodat je dan een pagina kan verplaatsen naar die pagina."
As you can see, all I did was to follow the instructions. Maybe they should be updated? Regards, Capmo (overleg) 26 aug 2015 02:31 (CEST)Reageren
Having seen your history on this project, and the comments made by others, I was indeed under the impression the Portugese would be your native language, and that you would not speek nor understand Dutch. In the above discussion however, you added comments in rather appropriate Dutch, so I thought I could have a go at writing Dutch to you.
If you don't speak or understand the language of this project, then as far as I can see, you don't have any business whatsoever to interfere with matters of spelling or the use of capitals on this language version. There was, as I see it, no need for you to find out how a "speedydelete" template is used on this language version, or what other procedures are in place to handle renaming of pages.
The rules you cite above are the rules for admins. An admin can remove a redirect for a technical reason, for example when it is necessary for renaming another page. That is, after an appropriate request to do this has been filed, and other users have had the chance to comment on it.
I saw your request landed on the correct page, nearly on the right spot (I will correct that) but I still am puzzled as to what your motivation can be to have pages renamed in a language version that you cannot even read. WIKIKLAAS overleg 26 aug 2015 03:42 (CEST)Reageren
Thank you for your kind suggestion but no, I'm not going to refrain from editing the Dutch Wikipedia just because you think I should do so. I can't speak Dutch but I can guess a good deal of it, and when that's not enough, there's always Google Translate... If I spot something on here that is in need of correction, be it spelling or whatsoever, I'll certainly be bold. --Capmo (overleg) 26 aug 2015 06:48 (CEST)Reageren
Do as you wish but it is very unwise to interfere with spelling in a language you can't read, and several users on this project will support my view on this topic. Google Translate is best known for the enormous amount of errors it produces. So if you want local users to have a good laugh every now and then, it'll be certainly a good idea to use Google Translate. WIKIKLAAS overleg 26 aug 2015 12:18 (CEST)Reageren
I don't use Google Translate to write articles, just to talk to other local users in their own language, when I think they deserve the effort. Not the case here. ----Capmo (overleg) 27 aug 2015 01:58 (CEST)Reageren
You seem to treat this discussion as some kind of harrassment. There is however a very serious point to be made here. You got my attention because you did a strange request, one that was contrary to the rules we have on this language version. It appeared you did so because you do not speak nor understand Dutch, and were not able to understand the procedure we have in place. In that case the number of meaningfull contributions you can make is very limited. Literally everything which has to do with semantics is way out of scope for you, because your capabilities of understanding meaning and nuances of the content is too limited to be trusted to make changes. Even if you see data in numeric form, you would have to understand how and why the sources we use are chosen. We have seen problems with foreign users over and over, when they for example thought they changed so called low quality pictures for better ones but did not understand the caption or the context, and so ruined part of an article. We have seen contributions from users who "corrected" names of localities to the ones they were used to in their native language, but did not understand we had a Dutch name for it. And I could go on for a while. I don't care whether you like the message or not. It has to be made clear: do not mingle with spelling and typography on this project, because you lack the skills. If you see some point that needs attention, use the talk page involved, and let others decide. Do not act yourself. That's all. WIKIKLAAS overleg 27 aug 2015 10:46 (CEST)Reageren
Let me add something more. The problem with your request is that it lacks substantiation. You write that there is no reason to write Flexione with a capital, but what you seem to have missed is that different languages have different rules when it comes to capitalisation. In Dutch, names of languages are capitalised. Likewise, names of organisations, trademarks and the like use capitals (except in the case of articles, prepositions and the like). The solution you prefer might work perfectly in Portuguese or French, but that does not necessarily mean it works for Dutch as well. If we treat "Latino sine Flexione" as a proper name, then the obvious choice is using capitals; if we merely treat it as a decription of variation of Latin, it's a different story. In both cases, however, you can impossibly be the judge of what is right and what is wrong without knowing the language. And believe me, using Google Translate is not the same thing as knowing a language.
I have taken a look at various source about LSF and all I can tell is that some writers use capitals, some don't, and some do both things in one single text.
All in all, even if your solution is not necessarily incorrect, that does not mean that the current solution is. And in this context it is perhaps worth mentioning that we have a policy here that says, to put it simply: don't correct things that aren't incorrect. Best regards,  IJzeren Jan 27 aug 2015 19:26 (CEST)Reageren