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Hallo, in het kader van het terechte punt dat The Banner een paar dagen geleden hier maakte: kunnen jullie aan "Wat is het?" toevoegen dat het verbeteren van een bestaand lemma ook aangemoedigd wordt? Ik begrijp dat het uitgerekend hier ook om kwantiteit gaat, maar de optie van het werken aan kwaliteit zou ook geboden kunnen worden. Het zou immers heel goed zijn als wát we nu hebben aan artikel over vrouwen op Wikipedia ook van erg goede kwaliteit is. JurriaanH (overleg) 10 nov 2018 22:52 (CET)Reageren

Hi JurriaanH, ongeveer het hele gendergap-project is bedoeld om niet alleen artikelen te schrijven op wikipedia, maar vooral ook om ze uit te breiden, te verbeteren en actualiseren. Daar besteden veel wikipedianen erg veel tijd aan. (Daarnaast doen we ook veel op andere wikimediaprojecten) Zoals ik in de discussie in de kroeg rondom themaweken en beginnetjesproject hebben wij bijvoorbeeld ook onderzoek laten doen naar de kwaliteit van artikelen over de Eerste feministische Golf. Doel daarvan is deze uitgebreide set artikelen aanzienlijk te verbeteren en uit te breiden ed. Deze schrijfchallenge, #100wikiwomen, is - dit jaar voor de derde keer - een schrijfchallenge waarbij we met zoveel mogelijk wikipedianen honderd dagen lang iedere dag 1 artikel schrijven. Punt. Schrijven, dus. Het uitbreiden, verbeteren, actualiseren ed van artikelen valt dus niet binnen deze challenge. Je verzoek om aan te geven dat het uitbreiden van bestaande lemma's ook wordt aangemoedigd, past dus niet binnen deze drie maanden durende challenge. Echter wel binnen een hele hoop andere activiteiten die Ciell en ik bijvoorbeeld organiseren. Bij dergelijke evenementen, bijvoorbeeld schrijfmiddagen, de hackathon, wikizaterdagen en -vrijdagen besteden we veel tijd aan het uitleggen dat het helemaal niet gaat om zoveel mogelijk artikelen te schrijven en dat we ook graag op andere wijzen aan wikimediaprojecten in het algemeen werken. Ik hoop dat deze uitleg je vraag beantwoord. Mag ik vragen vanuit welke achtergrond/met welke reden je deze specifieke vraag aan me voorlegt over de #100qwikiwomen? Was je nog niet bekend met het concept of met de insteek van de #100wikiwomen of alle (inhoudelijke) activiteiten van de werkgroep? Groet, Ecritures (overleg) 10 nov 2018 23:39 (CET)Reageren
Inderdaad is 100wikiwomen primair een kwantitatieve challenge. Maar uiteraard is het niet de bedoeling om 100 beginnetjes te dumpen; de artikelen moeten wel de moeite van het lezen waard zijn. Maar ik stel vast dat bij de 100wikiwomen challenges van vorige jaren, de kwaliteit best goed was. Erik Wannee (overleg) 11 nov 2018 09:14 (CET)Reageren
Bedankt. Ik vroeg het omdat ik zag dat de nadruk erg lag op het dagelijks moeten produceren van een nieuw artikel. Goed dat je even helpt herinneren aan de activiteiten met Ciell samen, dat is natuurlijk waar. Veel succes met dit project. JurriaanH (overleg) 11 nov 2018 10:16 (CET)Reageren


[brontekst bewerken]

Ik heb het onderwerp 'Martha-organisatie' op de lijst gezet, omdat het een organisatie voor algemeen nut is die (in 1899) is opgericht door vrouwen, voornamelijk ook voor vrouwen, en die een belangrijke stap heeft betekend in de emancipatie van vrouwen. Maar nu ik de regels nog eens over lees moet ik misschien worden gediskwalificeerd omdat het niet over 'een vrouw' gaat. Is dat een bezwaar? Erik Wannee (overleg) 12 nov 2018 20:55 (CET)Reageren

Nee hoor, geen bezwaar ;) Ik heb liever dat je dat artikel schrijft. Heel erg welkom dus! Fijn dat je het even voorlegt. Ecritures (overleg) 12 nov 2018 21:01 (CET)Reageren
Dankjewel! Erik Wannee (overleg) 12 nov 2018 21:09 (CET)Reageren


[brontekst bewerken]

Kan op de projectpagina (bijvoorbeeld bij Hoe doe je mee?) vermeld worden dat de auteur het artikel ook moet ontwezen? Dat zou een hoop werk achteraf schelen. Kattiel (overleg) 18 nov 2018 10:09 (CET)Reageren

'Moet' lijkt me een zwaar woord. Maar een 'vriendelijk verzoek' lijkt me wel op haar plaats. Erik Wannee (overleg) 18 nov 2018 11:04 (CET)Reageren


[brontekst bewerken]

Gisteren publiceerde de BBC een lijst met 100 inspirerende en invloedrijke vrouwen. Ik kan me voorstellen dat verschillende vrouwen in deze lijst nog geen plekje op de Nederlandse Wikipedia hebben, dus wellicht dat deze lijst voor enige inspiratie kan zorgen. Mathijsloo (overleg) 20 nov 2018 15:23 (CET)Reageren

Het gaat om de volgende personen, van wie er maar enkele op deze Wikipedia aanwezig lijken te zijn. Mogelijk is de naam in het Nederlands anders getranslitereerd of ingevoerd (voornamen, al dan niet beide achternamen,...). Met vriendelijke groet, RonnieV (overleg) 20 nov 2018 16:52 (CET)Reageren
Naam Wikidata Lft.
(nov. 2018)
Activiteit Land Beschrijving
Abisoye Ajayi-Akinfolarin d:Q58047426 33 Social impact entrepreneur Nigeria Abisoye is the founder of GirlsCoding, an NGO that teaches girls how to code, design and build websites that help solve problems in their communities.
Esraa al-Shafei d:Q 32 Executive director of not for profit Bahrain Esraa has founded a diverse number of digital platforms to give a voice to those under-represented in the Middle East and North Africa.
Svetlana Alekseeva d:Q58914439 18 Model Russia Svetlana survived a fire that burned almost half her body and now works to help people with scars feel positive about their bodies.
Lizt Alfonso d:Q28767345 51 Director and choreographer Cuba Lizt has created an internationally recognised fusion dance company which has performed in hundreds of cities across the world.
Nimco Ali d:Q18204528 35 Writer and activist Somaliland Nimco is an award-winning FGM (female genital mutilation) activist.
Isabel Allende d:Q83566 76 Author Peru Isabel, who was born in Peru to Chilean parents, is the world's most widely read Spanish-language author and has sold more than 70 million books in 42 languages.
Boushra Yahya Almutawakel d:Q4950379 49 Artist, photographer and activist Yemen Boushra is the first female Yemeni professional photographer, whose work has been featured in international publications and acquired by the British Museum.
Alina Anisimova d:Q58914756 19 Student programmer Kyrgyzstan Alina leads the Kyrgyz Girls' Space School, which aims to send the country's first satellite into space.
Frances Arnold d:Q4273363 62 Professor of chemical engineering, bioengineering and biochemistry US Frances is the recipient of the 2018 Nobel Prize for Chemistry, and her work on enzymes is used in laboratories, making everything from advanced medicines to biofuels and laundry detergents.
Uma Devi Badi d:Q58914907 54 MP Nepal Uma is from the Badi community, which is considered "untouchable" in Nepal, and is working to change that perception.
Judith Balcazar d:Q58914969 65 Retired fashion designer UK Judith ran several fashion companies before going on to co-found the company Giggle Knickers, which makes special underwear for women who suffer from urinary incontinence.
Cindy Arlette Contreras Bautista d:Q29523970 28 Lawyer Peru Arlette became the face of the NiUnaMenos (Not One [woman] Less) movement against domestic violence in Peru after a video of her being attacked by her boyfriend went viral.
Leyla Belyalova d:Q58915026 61 University lecturer Uzbekistan Leyla is a university lecturer working to preserve Uzbekistan's mountain ecosystems and protect bird species, including raptors.
Analia Bortz d:Q55956258 51 Doctor, rabbi and bioethicist Argentina Analia is a doctor and bioethicist dedicated to the holistic treatment of women struggling with infertility.
Fealofani Bruun d:Q58915099 35 Yachtmaster Samoa Fealofani is the first Samoan and the first Pacific woman to hold the position of yachtmaster, and looks after a traditional voyaging canoe.
Raneen Bukhari d:Q 31 Curator and social media manager Saudi Arabia Raneen is a curator and art consultant, who also works for her family's design business.
Joy Buolamwini d:Q 28 AI artist/researcher Canada Joy is a 'poet of code', using art and research to illuminate the social implications of artificial intelligence.
Barbara Burton d:Q 62 CEO of BehindBras UK Barbara set up BehindBras, giving women prison leavers skills to start careers in the fashion industry, after finding herself behind bars in her late 50s.
Tamara Cheremnova d:Q 62 Author Russia Tamara lives with cerebral palsy, and writes fairy tales, earning her the nickname of "Storyteller of Siberia".
Chelsea Clinton d:Q 38 Vice-chair of the Clinton Foundation US Chelsea is the author of numerous books and the vice-chair of the Clinton Foundation, where she works on many initiatives, including those that help empower the next generation of leaders.
Stacey Cunningham d:Q 44 President New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Group US Stacey is the 67th president of the New York Stock Exchange, becoming the first woman to hold the position in the company's 226-year history.
Jenny Davidson d:Q 50 CEO of Stand Up Placer US Jenny helps survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking, and runs a shelter which accepts survivors and their pets.
Asha de Vos d:Q 39 Marine biologist Sri Lanka Asha works in the area of marine conservation to increase diversity, inclusivity and opportunity in the field.
Gabriella Di Laccio d:Q 44 Soprano and founder of DONNE: Women in Music Brazil Gabriella is an international award-winning soprano and founder of a project to celebrate and highlight female composers.
Xiomara Diaz d:Q 34 Entrepreneur, restaurant owner and charity founder Nicaragua Xiomara uses her business connections to identify and fight sexual exploitation and raise awareness of the issue in Nicaragua.
Noma Dumezweni d:Q 49 Actor eSwatini (formerly known as Swaziland) Noma is the first woman to play the adult version of Hermione Granger in Harry Potter and The Cursed Child, playing in London's West End and Broadway, New York.
Chidera Eggerue d:Q 23 Blogger 'Slumflower' UK Chidera is a best-selling author and activist behind the social media movement #saggyboobsmatter, driving new conversations about perceptions of women's bodies.
Shrouk El-Attar d:Q 26 Electronic design engineer Egypt Shrouk is a refugee and full-time engineer, who uses belly dancing to raise awareness and campaign for the rights of the LGBT+ community in Egypt.
Nicole Evans d:Q 44 Online retail sales facilitator UK Nicole was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure at the age of 30, and now supports other women who are experiencing early menopause.
Raghda Ezzeldin d:Q 26 Free-diver Egypt Raghda is a record-breaking free-diver, who descends to extreme depths without breathing apparatus.
Mitra Farazandeh d:Q 42 Artist Iran Mitra is an artist who speaks out about living with physical disabilities.
Mamitu Gashe d:Q 72 Senior nurse aide/fistula surgeon Ethiopia Mamitu is now an internationally certified fistula surgeon, after being treated for fistula (an injury which can occur in childbirth) herself.
Meena Gayen d:Q 36 Business owner India Meena has worked with other women in the Sundarbans delta to build a brick road to make their village more accessible.
G.E.M. d:Q 27 Singer-songwriter China G.E.M. is a top-selling female musician who uses her influence to support charities and organisations dedicated to music, education and poverty.
Fabiola Gianotti d:Q 58 Particle physicist Italy Fabiola is a particle physicist and became director general of Cern, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, in 2016.
Julia Gillard d:Q 57 Former Australian prime minister UK Julia was Australia's first female prime minister and now promotes education and leadership for women and girls.
Elena Gorolova d:Q 49 Social worker Czech Republic Elena campaigns against forced sterilisation and works to return institutionalised children to their birth families.
Randi Heesoo Griffin d:Q 30 Olympic hockey player and data scientist US Randi challenged critics of equal pay for women in ice hockey, using data that proved they were as popular on social media as the men. She also scored the first goal for the United Korea Olympic team at the 2018 Games.
Janet Harbick d:Q 33 Altruistic surrogate and tanning consultant Canada Janet is a working mother of five children and an altruistic surrogate who is pregnant with her second surrogate baby.
Jessica Hayes d:Q 41 Teacher US Jessica is a consecrated virgin, vowing perpetual virginity as a bride of Christ
Thando Hopa d:Q 29 Model, lawyer, activist South Africa Thando is a diversity and inclusion advocate. Cast in the Pirelli calendar 2018, she is the first person of colour in South Africa to have featured in the publication.
Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim d:Q 35 Environmentalist and advocate for indigenous people and women Chad Hindou is an indigenous woman of Chad, advocating for the protection of the environment and for the rights of indigenous peoples on an international scale.
Reyhan Jamalova d:Q 16 Student and entrepreneur Azerbaijan Reyhan is a young entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Rainergy, a company that harvests energy from rainwater.
Jameela Jamil d:Q 32 Actress, writer, activist, host UK Jameela currently stars in Mike Shur's critically acclaimed NBC series The Good Place. She launched the social media platform @i_Weigh, which calls on her followers to post about what they feel proud of.
Liz Johnson d:Q 32 Paralympian and entrepreneur UK Liz is a swimmer who won Gold at the Paralympic Games in Beijing, and has set up a recruitment agency which aims to close the disability employment gap.
Lao Khang d:Q 26 Rugby player and coach Laos Lao led the Laos women's national rugby team to historic international victories, and is the first Hmong woman to earn her rugby coach licence.
Joey Mead King d:Q 44 Model Philippines Joey works as a model and presenter across Asia, and she and her partner Angelina Mead King appeared in a documentary which chronicled the couple's journey when Angelina came out as transgender.
Krishna Kumari d:Q 40 Politician Pakistan Krishna was elected to the Pakistan Senate after campaigning for women's rights, having previously been forced into bonded labour for three years.
Marie Laguerre d:Q 22 Civil engineer and architecture student France Marie has created a platform for women to share stories of street harassment, after a video of her calling out her harasser went viral on social media.
Veasna Chea Leth d:Q 44 Lawyer Cambodia Veasna was the first woman to study law at Cambodia's Royal University of Law and Economics, and lived in a basement space beneath the college due to a lack of female dorms.
Ana Graciela Sagastume Lopez d:Q 38 Prosecutor El Salvador Ana was appointed head of a unit investigating cases of femicide in 2016 and earlier this year was named El Salvador's women and femicide special prosecutor co-ordinator.
Maria Corina Machado d:Q 51 Political leader Venezuela Maria is a political leader who has campaigned to safeguard democratic processes in Venezuela.
Nanaia Mahuta d:Q 48 Minister of Maori development New Zealand Nanaia has served in the New Zealand parliament for 22 years and was the first female parliamentarian to wear a Maori face tattoo.
Sakdiyah Maruf d:Q 36 Stand-up comedian Indonesia Sakdiyah is Indonesia's first female Muslim stand-up and uses comedy as a way to challenge Islamic extremism and violence against women.
Lisa McGee d:Q 38 Writer UK Lisa is a Northern Irish playwright and the writer and creator of Derry Girls, Channel 4's most-watched comedy since 2004.
Kirsty McGurrell d:Q 30 Charity co-ordinator UK Kirsty set up 4Louis, a charity that provides memory boxes for bereaved parents, after her own son Louis was stillborn.
Becki Meakin d:Q 52 General manager of Shaping Our Lives UK Becki has a disability and researches inequalities experienced by disabled domestic abuse survivors, and advises refuge services on being more inclusive.
Ruth Medufia d:Q 27 Metal worker Ghana Ruth is a female welder who lives in an urban slum community and aspires to be a role model for young women in the construction industry.
Larisa Mikhaltsova d:Q 66 Model and music teacher Ukraine Larisa is an accordion music teacher and became a model for the first time at the age of 63.
Amina J Mohammed d:Q 57 Deputy secretary general, United Nations Nigeria Amina is a former minister of environment in Nigeria and has previously been a special adviser to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
Yanar Mohammed d:Q 58 President of the Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI) Iraq Yanar runs a network of shelters to help survivors of abuse in Iraq and has helped more than 800 women leave violent situations.
Joseline Esteffania Velasquez Morales d:Q 26 Student and NGO co-ordinator Guatemala Joseline works in communities to help educate girls and young women about sex and relationships, and strives to end forced marriages.
Robin Morgan d:Q 77 Author and activist US Robin has authored 20 books, and is a leader of the US women's movement and founder of The Sisterhood Is Global Institute and the Women's Media Center.
Nujeen Mustafa d:Q 19 Student Syria Nujeen fled the war in Syria, crossing thousands of miles in her wheelchair, and now campaigns on behalf of refugees with disabilities.
Dima Nashawi d:Q 38 Artist Syria Dima is an artist, clown and visual storyteller, who collects and reflects tales from Syria.
Helena Ndume d:Q 58 Ophthalmologist Namibia Helena has performed sight-restoring surgeries upon 35,000 Namibians, free of charge, many of her patients now call her Namibia's miracle doctor".
Kelly O'Dwyer d:Q 41 Member of Parliament Australia Kelly serves as the minister for jobs and industrial relations, and minister for women in the Australian parliament, and is the first female Australian cabinet minister to give birth whilst serving in office.
Yuki Okoda d:Q 23 Astronomer Japan Yuki studies physics, and was the first person to discover a new star that could shed light on the origins of our solar system.
Olivette Otele d:Q 48 Professor in History at Bath Spa University Cameroon Olivette is a historian and memory scholar who works on European colonial history and post-colonial legacies.
Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo d:Q 56 Mayor of Mexico City Mexico Claudia is the first female mayor of Mexico City and is also a Nobel Peace Prize-winning physicist.
Park Soo-yeon d:Q 22 Digital campaigner South Korea Soo-yeon is the founder of an organisation that seeks to eradicate digital sex crimes.
Ophelia Pastrana d:Q 36 Comedian and media personality Colombia Ophelia is a physicist, economist and comedian, who is also an outspoken transgender media personality.
Viji Penkoottu d:Q 50 Activist India Viji set up a women's union in Kerala and led the fight to get basic rights for women working as saleswomen, including the right to sit during working hours.
Brigitte Sossou Perenyi d:Q 28 Documentary producer Ghana Brigitte is an award-winning documentary producer, who told her story of being a Trokosi, a practice that sends girls to serve priests in shrines as payment for the sins" of their family+F112
Vicky Phelan d:Q 44 Educational manager Ireland Vicky exposed the CervicalCheck Screening scandal in Ireland, after discovering she and hundreds of other women were not told they had been given incorrect smear test results.
Rahibi Soma Popere d:Q 55 Farmer and founder of the Seed Bank India Rahibi pioneered a movement to preserve indigenous seeds, boosting agriculture in her tribal community in west India.
Valentina Quintero d:Q 64 Journalist Venezuela Valentina has dedicated herself to showing Venezuelans every corner of their country, writing and presenting TV programmes about tourism and environmental issues.
Sam Ross d:Q 30 Catering assistant UK Sam has worked for 10 years as a catering assistant at Glasgow City College, and travels the world representing people with Down syndrome.
Fatma Samoura d:Q 56 Fifa secretary general Senegal Fatma is the first woman and the first African to hold the position of secretary general of Fifa.
Juliet Sargeant d:Q 53 Garden designer Tanzania Juliet is a doctor-turned-garden designer working to make "places that feel as good as they look".
Sima Sarkar d:Q 44 Full-time mother Bangladesh Sima needed to carry her 18-year-old disabled son to an examination and the photo went viral on social media.
Shaparak Shajarizadeh d:Q 43 Activist Iran Shaparak publicly removed her headscarf to oppose the compulsory hijab rule for women in Iran, and is now living in exile, facing a 20-year prison sentence.
Haven Shepherd d:Q 15 Student and swimmer Vietnam Haven is a Paralympic hopeful, having survived a suicide bomb set off by her parents.
Nenney Shushaidah Binti Shamsuddin d:Q 42 Judge Malaysia Nenney fights for the protection of Muslim women in her courts and wants to change the negative perceptions of Sharia law.
Hayat Sindi d:Q ? Chief scientific adviser to the president of the Islamic Development Bank Saudi Arabia Hayat is one of the world's leading biotechnologists, a Unesco goodwill ambassador for science, and founder of the i2 Institute for imagination and ingenuity.
Jacqueline Straub d:Q 28 Theologian, journalist and author Germany Jacqueline hopes to become a Catholic priest and is campaigning to break the Vatican's 'glass ceiling.'
Donna Strickland d:Q 59 Professor of physics Canada Donna is a professor of physics at the University of Waterloo in Canada and is one of the recipients of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2018.
Kanpassorn Suriyasangpetch d:Q 30 Dentist/tech entrepreneur Thailand Kanpassorn founded the first mental wellness app for people in Thailand, after experiencing her own mental health problems.
Setsuko Takamizawa d:Q 90 Retired Japan Setsuko is learning English to help guide tourists who will visit Tokyo for the city's 2020 Olympics.
Nargis Taraki d:Q 21 NGO legal adviser Afghanistan Nargis was her parents' fifth consecutive daughter and was almost exchanged for a boy, but her parents let her complete her education and she now campaigns
Ellen Tejle d:Q 34 CEO at media house Fanzingo Sweden Ellen launched the global A-rate campaign, which raises awareness about women's representation in film.
Helen Taylor Thompson d:Q 94 Former spy and charity founder UK Helen was part of Prime Minister Winston Churchill's "secret army", sending coded messages to spies during World War Two, and went on to set up Europe's first Aids hospice.
Bola Tinubu d:Q 51 Lawyer Nigeria Bola is a corporate lawyer who established the first free children's helpline in Nigeria.
Errollyn Wallen d:Q 60 Composer Belize Errollyn is a composer and performer, who has written 17 operas and won an Ivor Novello for Classical Music Award.
Safiya Wazir d:Q 27 Community activist Afghanistan Safiya arrived in New Hampshire, USA, when she was 16 years old and became the first Afghan refugee to be elected as a state representative in New Hampshire in the 2018 mid-term elections.
Gladys West d:Q 88 Mathematician USA Gladys is a former teacher and mathematician whose work has recently been recognised as instrumental in developing GPS.
Luo Yang d:Q 34 Photographer China Luo has been taking art portraits of young Chinese women since 2007 for her Girls series.
Maral Yazarloo-Pattrick d:Q 37 Fashion designer and motorcyclist Iran Maral is travelling the world on her motorbike, challenging Iran's ban on women riding motorbikes in public.
Tashi Zangmo d:Q 55 Executive director for the Bhutan Nuns Foundation Bhutan Tashi was born and brought up in one of the most rural places in Bhutan, earned higher education degrees from India and the US, and now runs the Bhutan Nuns Foundation.
Jing Zhao d:Q 35 Entrepreneur China Jing runs an online network that helps women to learn and discuss their bodies and sexual desires, and also promotes intimate products to help women enjoy sex more.

Pagina al wel gepubliceerd maar geen artikel

[brontekst bewerken]

Telt het ook mee wanneer ik Maria van Beckum uitwerk tot artikel? Mvg, Encycloon (overleg) 14 feb 2019 23:50 (CET)Reageren

oeps, helemaal gemist. Ja! dat zou fijn wezen! Dank dank dank Ecritures (overleg) 19 feb 2019 23:40 (CET)Reageren
Gaan we doen. Encycloon (overleg) 19 feb 2019 23:47 (CET)Reageren